
Monday, July 20, 2015

This is Pretty Petals Designer Series paper!

WOW!  Isn't this a bright & cheerful card!!  I've been using the new Pretty Petals Designer Series Paper Stacks quite abit lately & I made this quick card last night to use for today's post.  Isn't the black background just so striking!  

stamp set:  'Watercolor Words'
card stock: Watermelon Wonder, Basic Black, Old Olive
designer paper:  Pretty Petals Designer Series Paper Stack
ink:  Black Memento pad
other:  2 1/2" Circle Punch, Banner Triple Punch, White Perfect Accents, Dimensionals
I had a great time stamping with everyone that came to my classes yesterday!  Kay & Norma were great hostesses & we all had a fun time creating together!  It was a long day for me by the time I left early yesterday morning & I didn't get home until about 7:00 last night.  

Oh my way home I stopped a few minutes to see & visit my friend Judy.  Then Deke met me in Sigourney & we ate pizza at Nathan & Sarah's home.  I had to laugh when I walked in the door at Nathan's as Brody came running up to me telling me- "I missed you G'ma since you were flying on the plane."  OH my- I just saw him the morning before (Saturday) & cut his hair & told him I wouldn't see him again until I got home, that I was going stamping & flying on a plane.  He didn't forget!  But yesterday I didn't know that I'd see him again before I did leave.  Now I won't see the boys again until next Tuesday!  YIKES that IS GOING TO BE A LONG TIME for all of us!  I wonder who will miss who more- G'ma or the boys?

I placed orders last night & finally called it a night & went to bed for a few hours- I was just beat!  I'm up early this morning to finish laundry, pack, do farm bookwork & head out to the airport with my friend Lynda!  We are headed to Salt Lake City, Utah for our annual Stampin' Up! Convention!  I am looking forward to seeing so many of my other Stampin' Up! friends there from all over the US & Canada!  We are signed up for some great classes & I hope to be a sponge that absorbs alot to bring home to share with all of you at my upcoming classes!  Our convention this year is going to focus on the New Holiday Catalog that demonstrators can start to pre-order from beginning on 08/04  & customers can order from beginning 09/01!  Woo Hoo! Fall & Winter are my favorite seasons & I'm super excited to get to see some of these new products! I wonder what new products they have in store for us!  I can't wait to see them!

I'm planning to do a blog post each day while we are gone- so be sure to stop back by each day this week to see what new things I have to share!!

I've gotta run.....lots to do yet!
I hope you have a MARVELOUS week!!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

'Watercolor Words'- what a great new stamp set!

Yes- this 'Watercolor Words' is such a great new stamp set that is in the new catalog!  I love the font, words & images in it!  It is such a versatile stamp set & I can see so many possibilities with it!

This is one of cards everyone joining me to stamp this month will get to make!  

Isn't this a cool layout too?  Be sure to check back later this week- as I've got a couple more cards that I made using this layout too!
stamp set:  'Watercolor Words'
card stock:  Wisteria Wonder, Pear Pizzazz, Whisper White
ink:  Wisteria Wonder & Pear Pizzazz
other:  Big Shot, Brick Wall Embossing Folder, Itty Bitty Accents Punch Pack (small flower), Pear Pizzazz Ribbon, Banner Triple Punch, 2 1/2" Circle Punch, Dimensionals, Glue Dots, Basic Pearls
Susie's Hair Hut was open for a bit yesterday morning & I got Brody & Trey's hair cut.  So I have cut all 4 boys (Brayden, Brody, Drake & Trey) hair this week.  The big boys will have to wait until the end of the month to get theirs cut- as I ran out of time to be able to do any more. 

Oh my......I have been stamping pretty much non stop lately trying to get ready for today's class & all of my swaps done for convention, plus I made Thank You cards for Masen's baby shower too!  I'll be sharing all of these cards later this week.  I still have to finish some of my convention swaps.  I have them all stamped & over 1/2 of them are assembled.  I'll be finishing the rest of them on the airplane & when I get to my hotel room in Salt Lake City, Utah.  OH my gosh.....I must be nuts!!  I have made more swaps for this convention than I ever have.  That means that I'll have tons of samples in my baskets to share with everyone when I get home at my upcoming events. 

Woo hoo!  This morning I'm off to stamp all day!  Norma is my morning hostess & Kay is my afternoon hostess.  I can't wait to see everyone & spend my day stamping with everyone that is joining us.

Tonight I'm gonna stop to visit my dear friend Judy, on my way home.  Then I'll be burning the midnight oil packing & doing last minute things around the house- as my friend Lynda & I leave in the morning for our yearly Stampin' Up! Convention!

Gotta run.....
I hope you have a SUPER Sunday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

More 'Zoo Babies'

I wanted to are some cute little tags & ribbon that I decorated these tin pales with to use as table decorations for Masen's Baby Shower.  We had peanuts in their shells in them.  

stamp set:  'Zoo Babies'
card stock:  Smoky Slate & Whisper White
ink:  Smoky Slate
other:  2 3/8" Scalloped Circle Punch, 2" Circle Punch
ribbon:  Chevron Smoky Slate (retired) & Silver 1/8"

Today is a quick I'm a stampin' fool between trying to get ready for my classes I have this weekend & working on swaps & things for convention.

Gotta run.......
I hope you have a SUPER Saturday!!
Happy Stamping!


Friday, July 17, 2015

I Think You're Great!

Here is a quick card I made last night.  Gosh....I'm kinda getting stuck on Delightful Dijon.  It reminds me tons of our old color called More Mustard- which I loved!  Delightful Dijon is going to be an awesome color for all of our fall projects too!  I know I'll be using it alot more. 
Here I'm showing you the other side of our pretty Designer Series Paper Stacks.  This DSP has a diagonal stripe on the other side.  This side of it has these pretty little white flowers on it.

I used the Banner Triple Punch again. did I ever live without this punch before?  I seem to use it often.  I did use banner flags alot before I had it too though- but I just had to fussy cut them using paper snips & this is just so much faster & easier to use than doing that.

How did I get the stripes?  I colored directly onto the stamp using the brushed tip (fat) end edge of the markers.  I did this technique on a card at my New Catalog Open Houses in June too!  You can see that card HERE! 

stamp set:  'I Think You're Great
card stock:  Delightful Dijon, Watermelon Wonder, Whisper White
designer paper: In Color 2015-2017 Paper Stack (12x12- all 5 colors)
markers: 2015-2017 In Colors- Cucumber Crush, Watermelon Wonder, Mint Macaron, & Delightful Dijon
other: 2 1/2" Circle Punch, 2" Circle Punch, Triple Banner Punch, Delightful Dijon Lace Ribbon, Dimensionals, Glue Dots
I was gone most of the day yesterday.  I had hoped to stamp all night- but I ended up sorting orders & I also got caught up on paper work for stampin' classes & farm bookwork too!

This morning is the hog show at our Keokuk County Fair.  Brayden is here & he wants to go & I wanted to go too- but I'm not sure that is going to happen.  Deke is a judge for a new class they started this year called 'antibiotic free hogs', which is sponsored by our hog buyer & packing house.  This meat will all end up going to Whole Foods, where our meat goes too!  
Tonight the guys are suppose to go racing....but I think it will be too wet & they'll end up getting cancelled.  Either way I'm home tonight & I'll be burning the midnight oil stamping!!  I have lots to get done in the next 24 hours.  
I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday!!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A barrel of flowers!

Here is a quick post......
I used the wheel barrel 'from the You're Sublime' stamp set for it.  Check out the little dots embossed on the background of the Delightful Dijon.  They are from the new Elegant Dots Embossing folder.  I think that the name of this new embossing folder fits it perfectly!
stamp sets:  'You're Sublime' & 'You've Got This' (words)
card stock:  Delightful Dijon, Watermelon Wonder, Shimmery White, Crumb Cake
ink:   Black Memento
markers: various assortment of colors
other:  2 1/2" Circle Punch, 2 3/8" Scalloped Circle Punch, 2" Circle Punch, Big Shot, Elegant Dots Embossing Folder, Banner Triple Punch, Dimensionals
Yesterday was a long day & we were on the go from end to finish.  We had a late night at the races.  The weather held off for the most part & they got all of the races in before it rained too hard.  Alot of my family was there to celebrate my sister Julie's birthday.  Nathan got 2nd in his heat & finished 3rd in the main.  

Today is another full day!!  Our county fair begins too & as much as I'd like to go tonight to the fair, I'd better stay home & burn the midnight oil cutting card stock & getting ready for this weekends classes.

I hope you have a very special Thursday!!
Happy Stamping!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Check out this Brick Wall Embossing Folder!

Here is another flower pot card using the 'Gift from the Garden' stamp set.  And check out the Brick Wall embossing folder.  I sponged it using Crumb Cake ink to make it pop!  Isn't it cool!
stamp set:  'Gifts from the Garden'
card stock:  Cajun Craze, Crumb Cake, Whisper White
ink:  Crumb Cake
markers:    Cajun Craze, Mossy Meadow, Delightful Dijon
other:  Washi Label Punch, Natural Chevron Ribbon, Big Shot, Lots of Labels Framelits, Brick Wall Embossing Folder, Sponge, Dimensionals, Glue Dots

I am really havin' fun creating with this stamp set!  And this new Brick Wall Embossing Folder too!  Hope you aren't getting tired of seeing projects created with them. 
Yesterday was a long hot day!  We were up early yesterday morning to sell hogs.  And then we sold another load later last night.  This hot weather is so hard on the piggies & us too!  I'm ready for it to cool down a bit.  It was late when we walked in the door last night.  We were hot, tired & dirty!  We were off to showers & then I made supper.  It was almost midnight & we called it a night.  I had hoped to get to stamp some.....but that will have to wait.  I was just too tired. 

This morning Deke is up early to chore again.  He has an early meeting, will then go to the office for a bit at the courthouse & this afternoon he is a judge at the county fair for the 4-H Antibiotic Hogs, along with our buyer.  This is a new class that has been added & we are excited to be a part of it!  All of our hogs are antibiotic free & all of our meat goes to Whole Foods in California!  What an awesome experience for our young 4-Hers to learn all about this. 

I'm up early this morning too& will be going to pick up the boys.  We'll come home & then go meet Papa for lunch in town.  Brody has an allergy testing appointment today- so Brayden, Drake & Trey will be here with me.

Then tonight we are all off to the races.  I'm going to go pick up my mom & aunt Virginia & take them with me.  Today is my sister Julie's birthday- so she & her family are joining us too.  I hope that Nathan has some good luck tonight!  Lord knows he needs some!

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

This weeks- "WEEKLY DEALS"- July 14-20, 2015!

'Zoo Babies'

Here are the cute little elephant cupcake picks that I made for Masen's baby shower.  
They looked adorable on the cupcakes that were on the cupcake towers.  And can you believe that I totally forgot about getting a photo of them in the cupcakes on the towers so that I could share them with you.  (darn)
We had a busy day yesterday!!  The boys still wanted to be outside even though it was so hot.  They had fun though.  I bet they all slept good last night. 

I burnt the midnight oil last night stamping!  I got started on my convention swaps, after I got orders from Brooke's party placed.  I have 20 of them cut & stamped- I just need to finish assembling them & start on some more!

Today is my farmer day!  We'll head our early this morning to mark, sort & load hogs.  I'll then wash out buildings & come in around noon to shower & head to Kathy's to get my hair all cut off!  I'll then come back home & go back out to help Deke on the farm.  We sell another load of hogs tonight & I pray that it cools down.  This hot weather is so hard on the hogs.  We have to wash out their pens a couple of times each day, plus water them down all of the time so that they don't suffer from a heat stroke.  They burn alot of calories when it is hot & don't take in much feed consumption.  Hopefully we'll be back in the house tonight by 10:00 p.m.  I plan to stamp for a few hours if I have enough energy left to do so.

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Monday, July 13, 2015

He is Toadally Awesome!!

This is another one of the cards everyone joining me for one of my July classes will be making!!  I think this little frog is so cute!  I love his smile!  What a fun card this would be to send to a friend for almost any occasion!
This was a fun fold/easel card too!  Check it out!

stamp set:  'You're Sublime'
card stock: Cucumber Crush, Basic Black, Whisper White, Shimmery White, Real Red
dp:  Cherry on Top Paper Stack
ink:  Black Memento
markers:  Cucumber Crush
supplies: Big Shot, Large Polka Dot Embossing Folder, Itty Bitty Accents Punch Pack (small heart), Washi Label, 2 1/2" Circle Punch, 2 3/8" Scalloped Circle Punch, 2" Circle Punch, Dimensinals, Glue Dots, Cucumber Crush Lace Ribbon
Brooke had a great class yesterday!  It was fun to see everyone & spend our time stamping together!  And we had a very special visitor (Our Stampin' Sister Judy- that has been sick & unable to come stamp with us for several months came for a bit to visit & we were all thrilled to see her & get to visit a bit.)  Wow- it was SOOOO hot out yesterday that being inside & stamping was a great thing- that is forsure.

I headed right from my stamp class & went straight to Vinton to join the rest of my family for a night of racing.  Our night started out great with Nathan winning his heat!  He then got wrecked in the main though & did not finish........thankfully he was not hurt, but the car is a mess again!  I feel so bad for Nathan.  He has had some terrible luck lately, that has resulted in spending alot of money & countless hours in the shop repairing things!  Darn.....surely some good luck will come his way soon.  

We got home late last night from the races & then had to go out to chore & check the piggies, so it was a short night.  I'm off soon to pick up the boys & spend my day with all 4 of them.  I'm looking forward to that!!  We're gonna run to the recycle center & then come home to spend our day outside playing.  Deke is off to a meeting this morning, but hope he is home to have lunch with all of us & then he will play catch up on farm things all afternoon.

Tonight I'll be burning the midnight oil stamping!  Next Monday I'm headed to Salt Lake City, Utah for our annual Stampin' Up! Convention.  Between having card stock to get cut for my 2 classes I have this week & all of the swaps I have to create, cut, stamp & assemble yet for convention- I'm going to be a busy little stamper every spare minute that I can!!

Gotta run...
I hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

More 'Gifts from the Garden'

Here are some more pretty flower pots!  This is a card that everyone joining me at my July classes will be making.  I love this card!  

Check out the awesome background stamp!  And the new striped ribbon too!
stamp set:  'Gifts from the Garden' & 'A World of Thanks'
card stock:  Crumb Cake, Mossy Meadow, Very Vanilla
ink:  Crumb Cake
makers:  Cajun Craze, Hello Honey, Mossy Meadow
supplies: Mossy Meadow Striped Ribbon, Very Vintage Button, Big Shot, Lots of Labels Framelits, Dimensionals, Glue Dots,  Paper Snips,
Yesterday I pretty much spent my whole day stampin' away!  I was cutting card stock & getting ready for this weeks stamp classes.

We got enough rain that the races were cancelled- so Deke worked late on the farm getting the bin moved & things ready at the new hog shed.  The building is done.  We are waiting on the electrical company to get here before Deke can get the rest of it finished.  I'll try to get photos of it taken sometime soon to share.  FINALLY we are getting to the end of this ordeal being done.  

This morning I'm headed out soon to a stamp class.  Brooke is our hostess this month!  We have a big group coming & I can't wait to see everyone & spend our day stamping together.

Gotta run....still several things to do before I can leave.  
I hope you have a SUPER Sunday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

I am lovin' 'Watercolor Words'!

Check out this cool stamp set that I used to make this card!  It is called 'Watercolor Words'.  It is an awesome new stamp set on pg. 117 in the new catalog.
These are so totally two of my favorite color combinations to use together with flower stamp images.

When I was creating one of the cards for my monthly July classes- this is one that I created & decided not to use at the classes- but I still think it is cute & I wanted to share it with you.  What do you think?

stamp set:  'Watercolor Words'
card stock:  Pear Pizzazz, Wisteria Wonder, Whisper White
ink:  Pear Pizzazz, Wisteria Wonder
other:  Big Shot, Decorative Dots Embossing Folder, Banner Triple Punch, Pear Pizzazz ribbon, Basic Pearls, Dimensionals & Glue Dots
I had a fun day with the boys yesterday!!  Then we all went to Columbus last night to cheer on Nathan!  He got 4th in his heat & 5th in the main.  He looked good.  He just had to start too far in the back & it wasn't a passing track for him to be able to get around everyone in time. 

I am finally home all day today & will be spending my day/night stamping!!  I'll be getting ready for my class I have tomorrow.  Brooke is the hostess!  I can't wait to see everyone & stamp!!

If it doesn't rain too much- the guys will be racing in West Liberty tonight.  

I hope you have a SENSATIONAL Saturday!!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, July 10, 2015

A 'Gift from the Garden'

Here is a cute & simple card I made using some new products I got from the New Catalog.  This stamp set caught my eye the first time I saw it.  I think it is super cute!  And I love the sayings that go with it.  I know I'm gonna have fun making some more cards using it!
Check out the Brick Wall background embossing folder!  It is cool!  Another definite new favorite of mine.  These flower pots remind me of the flower pots that sat in my Grandma Cox's kitchen & dinning room window. 

And what ribbon did I use?  It is the backside of the Natural Chevron Ribbon.  Yep- that is cool too huh!

stamp set:  'Gift from the Garden'
card stock:  Crumb Cake, Whisper White, Cajun Craze
ink:  Cajun Craze
markers:  Cajun Craze, Mossy Meadow & Delightful Dijon
other:  Washi Label Punch, Natural Chevron Ribbon (the back side of it), Big Shot, Lots of Labels Framelits, Brick Wall Embossing Folder Dimensionals, Glue Dots
Last night I had a house full of stampers!!  We had a fun time together!!  I'm glad that they could join me!  I'll share pictures of the cards they made in the up coming week.  They are all pretty cute!

I'm off soon to spend this morning with Manda & the boys.  Then tonight we are all headed to Columbus Junction to the races.  I sure hope that Nathan has good luck tonight!  He sure needs it!  The guys have worked hard to get everything all back together.

I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday!!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

'Love' this scrapbook layout......

Here are some more scrapbook pages from my class last month.
Hearts, hearts & more hearts!!  I can think of many things "I love" that I could put on these pages.

The colors are- Basic Black, Whisper White & Real Red

retired- 'So You' stamp set & Stacked with Love designer paper stack is from the Occasions Catalog (Spring 2015), Black Chevron Ribbon & Red Brads

supplies-  Red Glimmer Paper (12x12), Sweetheart Punch, Itty Bitty Accents Punch Pack (small heart), Black Memento ink pad
Tonight is Stampin' Night here at our home!!  Can't wait to stamp with everyone.

I hope you have a very special Thursday!!
Happy Stamping!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A banner for Masen......

Here is the banner I made for Masen's baby shower.  I thought we could add different ribbons to it & hang it in his room.
Here is a good picture of Sarah opening some of the gifts.  You can see here that we hung the banner on the front of the table.
The colors I used for the banner are-  Smoky Slate & Pear Pizzazz.  I used our new Tear & Tape Adhesive & adhered the pennants to the Thick Smoky Slate  Baker's Twine.  (And let me tell you- it worked like a charm & I LOVE that new Tear & Tape Adhesive!)  I also used the 2" Circle punch. 

The newly retired product that I used - Chevron Smoky Slate Designer Paper, the alphabet set- Perfect Print & Bigz Die- Party Pennants.
Yesterday was a busy day on the farm & then I burnt the midnight oil cutting card stock.  This morning Deke & I are both up early & off for the day.  He has a meeting in Mt. Pleasant all day for his Board of Supervisors.  And I'm headed to a meeting for our hog unit.  

Tonight Nathan races in Osky- so we'll head over there to cheer him on.  I'll drive separate.  I need to pick up a few groceries & I will then come home as soon as he is done racing so that I can get more card stock cut & get ready for my stamp class that I have here tomorrow night.  Tomorrow is gonna be another crazy/busy day & I'll be gone again too.

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

This weeks- "WEEKLY DEALS"- July 7-13, 2015!

A Halloween Scrapbook layout.......

Here is the Halloween pages that I created for my scrapbooking class.  
The colors I used are:  Pumpkin Pie, Daffodil Delight, Basic Black.

I thought these turned out cute......but then again- you all know that Halloween & Fall are my favorite seasons too.

The stamp sets, designer paper & framelits that I used here are now retired- they were from last falls (2014) Holiday Catalog.
Last night Deke had another meeting, so I was home alone & spent my night burning the midnight oil stamping!  I'm having fun creating with some new products I got.  They are for my upcoming classes that I have this week & next week.  

Today I am a farmer helping Deke outside all day.  We load hogs this morning.  

Tonight I'll be burning the midnight oil again cutting card stock!! 

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday.  
Happy Stamping!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

'Zoo Babies'

Here is the book that I covered for Sarah to write down the gifts she received at Masen's Baby Shower.  His room is decorated in Gray & light green & the theme is elephants, with Chevron accents.  So when Manda & I were making decorations & things for his shower- we tried to go with that theme too.
I thought it turned out really cute!  I think that Sarah liked it too!  There are extra pages in it that she can add photos & more memory keeping things if she wants to too!

stamp set:  'Zoo Babies'
card stock:  Smoky Slate & Whisper White
designer paper:  Neutrals DSP Stack (retired Chevron print)
ink:  Smoky Slate
other:  2" Circle Punch, 2 3/8" Scalloped Circle Punch, Big Shot, Dimensionals, Perfect Print Alphabet set (retired)
Yesterday was a busy day at home.  Deke worked on the farm all day trying to get caught up on grinding feed & things- as he has a busy week coming up with lots of meetings & being away from home during the daytime. 

I worked on bookwork.  Then I finally got all of my retired Staampin' Up! stuff off of my shelves & rearranged & labeled them to go with the new catalog.  Now as I get new products from this new catalog- they have a home to go to!  :)

I also worked on & think I figured out what stamp sets I'll use & now have ideas for the 6 cards I need to get created & cut for this weeks stamp classes.  I'll work on them today/tonight & pray that I have good mojo in creating!

I don't have any boys today......Brayden is with his mom this week.  And Manda is home today with her boys.  And since Deke has meetings today too- I'll be home alone & my plan is to get lots of stamping done!!  I pray that happens- as the rest of my week is crazy & I'll be gone- so I need to make the most of today!!

I hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

You're A Star!

Here is the scrapbook page that I mentioned yesterday.  The words 'celebrate' on the card I shared yesterday was also an option that everyone could stamp up in the top corner if they didn't want to to use the 'You're a Star'.
I thought this layout would work good for the 4th of July, sports, a birthday or various other occasions.

We had a fun "4th of July" day with our families yesterday.  We went to the Sigourney parade in the morning.  There we sat the the Seeley clan, but got to meet our great-nephew Colyson & see his mom, dad & sister.  And Deke's parents & sister & Maria were there too!  Then we came home to eat lunch & headed to What Cheer for their 150th Year parade.  We met Deke's parents, sister & Maria over there.  Then we came back home to chore, eat supper & we went back to Sigourney for the evening.  We ran into our friends Lori & Dennis & enjoyed visiting with them for awhile!  And then met the Seeley clan for the fireworks display.  It was fun watching the fireworks & seeing it through the little boys' eyes!

Woo Hoo!  We are home today!   I hope to work on stamp stuff all day!  I have tons to do.  I still need to get my retired stuff off my shelves & make sure what I have out is all current in the new catalog.  I then hope to have good mojo & create some cards for my upcoming classes that I have this week.

Deke will work on the farm all day catching up on grinding feed & things.
We both have a busy week ahead of us- so need to make the most of our day home to work.  

I hope you have a SUPER Sunday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!!

Today is a day to CELEBRATE!  Wishing you all a very Happy 4th of July!!  I know we'll be celebrating with a parade or two & fireworks.  

Do you notice the embossed stars I made with the Lucky Stars Embossing Folder?
stamp set:  'Celebrate Today' & 'Banner Banter'
card stock:  Whisper White, Real Red, Night of Navy, Thick Whisper White
ink:  Nigh of Navy & Real Red
other:   Big Shot, Lucky Start Embossing Folder, Medium Star Punch, Itty Bitty Accents Punch Pack (small Star), White Twine, Banner Triple Punch, Banner Punch (small banner), Glue Dots, Dimensionals
These are just a quick cards I made with some left over pieces of card stock & stars from a scrapbook page that I did.  (I'll probably share that page tomorrow- so be watching for it.)

Last night we raced in Columbus Junction.  Nathan started 6th in his heat & got 2nd.  He was in running 2nd in the main & his drive shaft broke.  So it wasn't a good night.  Luckily he didn't get hurt.  There was alot of damage to the rear.  So the poor guys are gonna have alot of work in the shop to do again this week to get ready for more races coming up. 

This morning we are headed to Sigourney to the parade.  We'll then go to What Cheer to the parade this afternoon.  Tonight we'll go back to Sigourney to see the Fireworks.  We'll connect with Manda, Steve & the 3 boys on & off today.  

Nathan, Sarah & Brayden are in Missouri this weekend in cabins on the lake, so we'll see them when they get home.

I hope you all have a fun & safe 4th of July!!
Happy stamping!!

Friday, July 3, 2015

'It's Your Day'!

Here is another fun scrapbook page.  I thought it could work for several different events that you might want to capture in your memory keeping.  These colors are great together!
The colors that I used here at Basic Gray, Whisper White, Crushed Curry, Pool Party & Real Red.

The stamp set- 'Big On You', designer paper & ribbon are now retired.

The Chevron Border punch is still current.
Nathan started 5th in the dash last night & finished 5th.  He then started 5th in the main, got up to 2nd place & got a front left flat tire.....but finished the race in around the 13th spot.  So he didn't have a very good night.
Here is a cool black & white photo that Sarah took of Trevor, Deke & Steve talking to Nathan as he is getting ready to go out for the dash.  

Tonight is Mid Season races in Columbus Junction.  We are 2nd in points there, so would start outside the front row.  I am not positive yet we are going.....we'll see how the day goes.

I have the day off of work today- so will be hopefully be home all day & get to work stamping stuff for upcoming classes- as that is the plan as of now anyways.

I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday!!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

'Frosty'- a blast from the past!

Here is another set of pages that I made for my scrapbooking class.  I wanted to do a winter layout & was struggling with ideas using current stamp sets.......I thought about a snowman punch art & I'd done that I went to my shelves of retired winter sets & 'Frosty' just melted my heart years ago & he still does!  I was hoping that none of the girls would be disappointed that I used him.  And none of them were!!  

This is a clean & simple layout- but was a favorite of many that made it at my class.  Living in Iowa we normally have lots of snow & so I just couldn't not do a layout with snow!
 So what do you think? I think that it is cute!

Most of the supplies used here are retired.  
The colors I used are Pool Party & Bermuda Bay, along with Whisper White.
We had 4 wheel racing around our oval driveway yesterday at G'ma & Papa's house!  They had a blast....big to small.  Lots of laughs & tons of fun!  It was a beautiful day outside & we enjoyed every minute of it!!

Last night Nathan got 2nd in one heat (started 2nd) & got 3rd in the other heat (started 11th)- so he was one of only 8 Stock Cars that has a guaranteed spot in tomorrow nights Stock Car Shoot Out!  They were great races in all classes.  There were only about 50 total Stock Cars there though.  But all other classes ran last night too- so there was lots of racing.  It was a nice night to be outside.

Today I'll be on the farm helping Deke.  Tonight we're all off to the races again!!  I hope that Nathan has good luck again tonight!  

Wishing you all a very special Thursday!!
Happy Stamping!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Black & Ivory scrapbook page!

Here is a neat black & ivory scrapbook page.  The inspiration for this page came from my stampin' sister Lyssa.  I changed it by adding my own touch with the flower stamp & coordinating punch & made it into a 2 page spread.
And you can never go wrong when you use the set- 'Gorgeous Grunge' can you!!  When I was creating this page I thought of my mom.  She attended my scrapbooking class on Saturday & I was right!  This was one of her favorite layouts.  

I think that any creation that is black & ivory is just usually stunning!  

Most of the products used on these pages are all current:

stamp sets:  'Big News', 'Flower Shop' & Gorgeous Grunge'

card stock:  Very Vanilla & Basic Black
designer paper:  Typeset Specialty 12x12 DSP
ink:  Black Memento pad
other: Pansy Punch, Basic Pearls
retired:  clip & Vanilla 1/2" Seam Binding ribbon
Yesterday Brayden & I worked on the farm all morning with Deke.  We came in for a late lunch.  The guys went back out & I changed hats & worked on farm bookwork the rest of the afternoon/evening.

Today Deke is headed to the office for the morning & back home to work on the farm all afternoon.  I'll be spending my day with all 4 of my boys.  Tonight we're all going racing to cheer Nathan on!  I hope he has good luck!  The boys are excited about going to the races.  It will be a late night.  Tonight if the first part of a two night show called the "Stock Car Shootout" in Osky.  They have qualifying heats tonight & then the last chance races & the big show (the main) will be tomorrow night.  There are usually between 125-140 Stock Cars at this annual race.

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Today is the last day to get free stamps!

Click on the link below to find out more about this great deal!

The Clearance Rack has been updated!! Check it out!

The Clearance Rack has been updated today and there are some amazing Bonus Deals!  
These are while supplies last only.  I know they won't last long!
***Limited quantity available at a discounted price:
 Item # Product Name  Available Quantity 
133785  Fun Flower Punch   2750 
138399  Silver Sequin Trim   1100 
139001  Pretty Petals 8-1/2" X 11" Cardstock Assortment Pack   1500 
138389  Brights Sequin Assortment 3000 
138415  Smoky Slate Thick Baker's Twine 1200
138379  Build A Banner Kit   2500 
138393  Classy Designer Buttons   2100
134569 Calypso Coral 1/2" Seam Binding Ribbon   3500 
129026  Fuse Fast Adhesive   2500 
133654 2014-2016 In Color Stampin' Write Markers   7500 
133782  2" Circle Punch   2800
Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog

This weeks "WEEKLY DEALS"- June 30th through July 6, 2015! WHILE SUPPLIES LAST ONLY from now on!


Here is another scrapbook page that I created for my annual scrapbooking event.  I thought this was the perfect layout for many different occasions you might want to scrap.  I love the little tubs of popcorn.  Isn't it cute!!
I thought the words "enjoy" at the top on a tag was just very appropriate for this layout.  

My upline Shari shared little popcorn tubs like this with the film strip on a scrapbook page that she had made & I just thought it was adorable!  So this is my version.  And I am a HUGE popcorn lover too.  

**There are both some current & retired products used here on these pages.  

I enjoyed my day with my boys yesterday!!  They are just so sweet!  We played outside alot.  They should have been tired last night.  

Today I'm a farmer!  I'm headed out early this morning to help Deke with marking, sorting & loading hogs.  I hope we get alot done before it gets too hot out.  

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!  
Happy Stamping!