
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A special gift!

This is a box that Sara & Shelli gave to me.  I so love the colors........and it coordinates with the rest of my celebration color theme with the Share What You Love Bundle!

Aren't the colors & the style totally me!  They did a great job in making them.
This is a little closer look at the tag.  Inside of it is a sweet note that Shelli wrote & both of them signed it.  

I'll looked up the supplies & hope I didn't miss any of them!  They used LOTS!
stamp sets:  'Love What You Do; (Tiny flowers & leaves) & 'Petal Palette' (congratulations)
card stock: 
  • Crumb Cake- 
  • Blackberry- Bliss-
  • Rich Razzleberry-
  • Old Olive-
designer paper:  Share What You Love
ink:  Blackerry Bliss, Old Olive
Blackberry Bliss Stampin' Write Marker:  Used to make splatter dots in the corners
other:  Share What You Love Pearls, Pearlized Doilies (Now a FREE SAB choice), Big Shot, Magnetic Platform, Large Letters Framelits, Stitched Shapes Framelits, Standard Platform, Tin Tile Embossing Folder, Triple Banner Punch, Champagne Shimmer Paint, Stampin' Spritzer, Aqua Painter, Wink of Stella, Dimensionals, Glue Dots, Fresh Fig Sheer ribbon, White Twine

NOTE:  On the Old Olive Banner they did the faux suede technique!  I haven't done that for oldie, but a goodie.  I'll have to do it at an upcoming class sometime soon! 
And here is the gift that was inside of the box.  A cute little leather purse.  I love it!  
Yesterday was a LONG day!  It started out with our trucker calling us at 4 am.  He was sick with a migraine & was going to be late......and he finally showed up with all of the baby piggies at 9:15.  He then continued with a huge drama ordeal....and I seriously thought I was going to have to call 911.  He laid in the trailer for about 15 minutes, then slid down the chute on his belly & laid on the ground for another 20 minutes or more.  His head hurt, his back hurt, his tooth name it.  So in the 35 years I've been working with the hogs- I have helped load many semi's.  But I have NEVER unloaded a semi before.  But I did yesterday!  We had 1400 new weaned babies to unload.  It took me about 2 hours.  I ran about 30 little babies carefully off the trailer at one time, down the slide & into the building to Deke.  I guess it all worked out.  But oh my gosh......we needed to get the baby piggies off the trailer & inside & to some water & I could see that the driver wasn't going to do anything.  I can tell you that he would have been an employee of mine I would have fired him on the spot.  I know he'll never come to our farm again.  We told them to never send him here.  So yesterday was so totally not a normal day at all.  And it was an exceptionally long.  Trey was a trooper & so good.  Thankfully Masen & Nathan ended up helping us later in the afternoon so we could get done. And Sarah had to change her schedule & stay home with Anislee.  I guess it all worked out & we survived & the most importantly the babies are safe, warm & well cared for now in their new home.  We were all tired & sore when we got done.  

While Deke was choring last night, I ran up to visit my mom a bit too right after I got done helping him with the pigs.  I hadn't seen her for a couple of weeks.  We had a nice visit.  I wasn't there too long, but I enjoyed our chat & catching up. 

This morning we are up early.  Deke will chore & head to the office for his weekly board meeting.  I'll spend my day with the 3 little ones & see the 3 big ones again tonight after school.  Tonight when everyone has gone home I'll be stamping!  

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!
Happy Stamping!

Monday, March 11, 2019

'Part of My Story'

Look at this gorgeous card!!  I love the colors, the layout & the words!  I want to give a big shout out to my adopted team member- Kimberly Miller- who sent this to me.  I love it & it so touched my heart!   Yes- we are each others chosen family.  And that is just so special to me.  She is an orphaned demonstrator that I met many years ago & I include her in all of my team events!  She is a very talented stamper & a great friend.  I'm always happy when she joins my group events. And I'm so glad that stamping brought us together!

Kimberly sent this card to me, as a congratulations card when I hit my million career sales.  This is the same DSP & colors that SU! made my congratulations card out of too.  Kimberly did an awesome job of making them go together!  On the inside of the card she used the words from the 'Part of My Story' set- I'm so glad YOU are a part of my STORY (and then wrote a very special personal note to me too)!  How cool & how true these words are in the neat Sale-a-bration stamp set called- 'Part of my Story'!  

stamp set:  'Part of My Story'- SAB choice- FREE with a $50 product order
card stock:  Blackberry Bliss, Whisper White, Mossy Meadow, Vellum, Silver Foil
designer paper:  Share What You Love DSP
ink:  Mossy Meadow
other:  Big Shot, Magnetic Platform, Layering Oval Framelits (scalloped oval), Stitched Shapes Framelits (stitched oval), Leaf Punch, Sprig Punch, Stand Platform, Petal Burst Embossing Folder, Triple Banner Punch, Dimensionals, Glue Dots
Yesterday we were up bright & early to catch up on things.  Deke worked on the farm all day.  It was about 9 when he finally quit & came in to eat supper.  I worked on piles of bookwork, emails & orders- literally all day!  And I didn't get them all done.  I did get our 7 loads of laundry done......and all put away.  So that is good.

This morning we are up early.  We get baby piggies today!  A whole BUNCH of them!  The kids will be outside with us while we sort & move baby piggies around.  So I hope we have a good day!  

Tonight when the kids go home I'll hopefully get all of my paperwork done.  I have a bunch of farm bookwork I need to get done too.  It is amazing how you work so hard to get things done before you get ready to go somewhere & you work like crazy when you get home to catch up on things that happened while you were gone.  

I hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

My Million Dollar Box

This is a cute box that came to me by UPS last week with our agenda for my Utah celebration trip!  In it was a couple of luggage tags & a leather folder with all of our information in it!  

Yesterday was a super LONG day!  We had LOTS & LOTS of waiting with delayed flights & we literally spent the entire day in airports!  It was not fun.  It was about 10:45 when we finally got home last night.  Deke went out to walk through & check everything on the farm.  And I unpacked the things we needed right away & we finally crawled into bed about 1.  We are happy to be home!  But we did have a great time in Utah!

Sorry this is short & sweet!  I have SO MUCH to catch up on!!!  I know I have TONS of emails, a HUGE pile of mail, TONS of laundry, etc.....and we are getting ready for new baby piggies to come too on top of everything else.  

I hope you have a SENSATIONAL Sunday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

'All Adorned'

Check out this fun collage card.  It is another one of the cards that everyone joining me at my March monthly classes will be making with me.  

I love fun folds!  So yep- this is another fun fold!  And I love the monochromatic theme of this card!
The front piece flips open & looks like this!
Then the other side flips open & look like this.  
So what do you think???
How did I do the top layered piece?  Read on to see how I did it.  
  • Using various stamp images & the Coastal Cabana ink- do some collage stamping on the top white piece.  
  • Then sponge around the edge of it, using the Coastal Cabana ink pad too.  
  • Then using the largest of the Stitched Shaped Framelits- (Square)- cut out the center piece- leaving about a 1/2" all the way around the square for the outside edges. 
  • I then adhered the outside square edge to the Coastal Cabana square.
  • Then using dimensionals- I popped up the stitched framelit piece.  
stamp set: 'All Adorned'- Level 1 SAB choice- FREE with a $50 order
card stock:
  • Coastal Cabana-  8 1/2 x 4 1/4- score at 5 1/2" for card base; 3 1/2 x 3 1/2; 3 1/2 x 1/2"; 2" strip- stamp words onto & punch out with the Story Label Punch
  • Thick Whisper White- 7 1/2 x 3 3/4"- score at 3 3/4"- fold & place in center of card
  • Whisper White- 3 1/4 x 3 1/4- stamp collage on this, sponge around edges & then cut out center using the largest Stitched square framelit; 3 1/4 x 3 1/4- stamp inside greeting words onto
designer paper:  How Sweet It Is- OC pg. 15- 4 x 3"
ink:  Coastal Cabana
other:  5/8" Whisper White Polka Dot ribbon, Story Label punch- SPECIAL March 2019 only= $18.00, Gingham Gala Adhesive Backed Sequins, Big Shot, Stitched Shapes Framelits (large Square), dimensionals, glue dots, sponge

Yesterday was an AMAZING day!!  My heart was just filled with so much joy getting to see all of the employees at our Stampin' Up! Kanab plant & spending several hours there with them!!  We headed out there at 9:30 yesterday morning.  Josh (the plant manager) greeted us at the door.  We did a tour of the offices & Shelli's apartment.  We then met with all of the employees- where I introduced myself, shared my Stampin' Up! story with them & answered many different questions that many of them had for me.  Several of the employees have worked there for our company for lots of years- so I had previously meet & seen them several times over the years when I use visit there when we were at  Founders.  I remembered many of them & they remembered me too!!!!  After our question & answer time, we had more time to chat in the break lounge while having donuts & fruit together.  

But darn- I am bummed at myself, as my camera & phone were both in my purse in the front office so that we didn't have to carry things with us.  So I didn't get very many pictures- which I am so sad about.  As we were leaving though- I ran out to get my camera & got a quick picture with Josh, some photos of a few of the employees in the break lounge & some pictures of the building & beautiful red rock mountains outside the plant.  

Deke LOVED the tour & learning all about how photopolymer & red rubber stamps are made; how they do the ink pads & ink refills; and how they cut & package the card stock.  He was totally amazed & so impressed with everything!  I had seen all of this previously over the years, but it was great to see again.  And I am so happy that Deke got to see it all!

When we left there we had about a 1 1/2 hour drive to St. George in the rain.......but enjoyed seeing the beautiful scenery! 

So this week we have toured both Stampin' Up! plants!  And literally from the very beginning to the very end- have seen first hand how each & every stamp set, embossing folder, framelits, etc (all products) are made.  There are so many steps taken in creating them before we get them in our hands & use them!  We were both totally amazed & impressed at learning all of this & we have so much respect & appreciation for every little product & for every single employee that helps to make it all possible!  What is most special is that Stampin' Up! is like a big family!  They treat everyone like they are family!  And you've all heard me say this is just very heart warming. 

This morning we are headed to the St. George Airport & flying home.  We have a LONG layover in I'm hoping the weather is good & there are no flight delays.  We'll get back to Des Moines late tonight & then have our drive home!  

We have had an awesome trip!  It was a fabulous celebration!  And I am so honored to be part of such an amazing company!  I am doubly honored & blessed that you stamp with me & let me share my love of it with all of you!!!  I thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing me as your Stampin' Up! demonstrator & most importantly for being such a great friend of mine!  It is because of each & every one of you that I have sold enough stamps to reach this huge milestone!  And as someone told me yesterday- how cool is it that I am #30 in the company to hit my million career sales & I did it in the 30th Anniversary year of SU!  (even though I had just been a demonstrator for 17 years & 4 months). So being #30 in the 30th year makes it even more special to me!

I am praying we have safe travels as we head home.....we've missed our family & we are ready to sleep in our own bed!  But we are sooooo thankful for our time in Utah & will treasure this time & have very fond memories forever to cherish!  

I will get photos downloaded & I'll post & share with you in the next few days.  We are going to be hitting the ground we get baby piggies early tomorrow (Monday) morning, have kids & I have stamp classes too to get ready for & Deke has several meetings this week!

Off we go......I hope you have a SUPER Saturday!!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Birthday Cheer Bundle!

This is another fun fold card that everyone joining me for my March monthly classes will be making.  

NOTE:  If you are attending one of my classes, the DSP may vary.

I used the awesome Detailed Birthday Edgtlits Dies & coordinating 'Birthday Cheer' stamp set.
This is what it looks like when it is opened up!

This has been the most popular bundle that was purchased at my monthly class thus far this month!  

stamp set:  'Birthday Cheer'
card stock:  
  • Basic Black-  5 1/2 x 8 1/2"- score at 4 1/4" & fold in half for card base; 3 1/4 x 2"
  • Gray Granite- 4 x 5 1/4" (for inside of card to stamp greeting on- be sure you stamp them low, as the top part shows through to the front)
  • Whisper White- 3 x 1 3/4- stamp words onto from the front
  • Silver Foil- 4 x 1"
designer paper:  Broadway Bound Special DSP- Annual Catalog- pg. 188- 4 x 3"
ink:  Black Memento
other:  Metallic Pearls, dimensionals, Glue dots, Black/Silver 1/4" striped Metallic Ribbon, Big Shot, Magnetic Platform, Detailed Birthday Edgelits Dies
Yesterday was another amazing day spent at the Stampin' Up! Riverton office! We went early & met with Kathy- whom is our design artist that I'm working with, in designing my stamp set.  I then spent a few hours stamping with Sara & Shelli!  And Deke got some more tours around the building & spent quite abit of time in the photography part with one of our photographers, Ben.  We had a late lunch with Shelli, Sterling, Sara & Shawn at a yummy mexican place.  And then rented a car & drove almost 5 hours south to Kanab.  We had a beautiful drive & I got some great photos I'll share sometime soon.

When we got to Kanab, we checked into our hotel, went & ate a quick supper & then came back to our room where I stamped for about 3 hours- working on treat gift pouches I'm making for the Kanab employees.  

So I'm up early this morning to finish up my treat gift pouches & we are headed out to spend time at our SU! Kanab office!  I can't wait for Deke to meet everyone there & see how our stamps are made!

This afternoon we'll be driving to St. George, eating supper & staying there for the night. 

I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

'Tea Together'

WOW- this is such a fun stamp set & coordinating framelits.  And it is a fun fold too!!  

This is another one of the cards that everyone joining me for my March monthly classes will be making!

These Tea Pot Framelits are FREE during Sale-a-bration with $100 product order.  The 'Tea Together' stamp set is on page 49 in the Occasions Catalog!! 

A demonstrator friend- Rhonda Basser from California, gave me a card with this fold & I just loved it!!  So this is my version of her card.
Isn't this just soooo cool how this card stands up!!!  
And check out the beautiful Country Floral Embossing Folder.  It too is another FREE Sale-a-bration choice, that you can get with a $50- product order.

stamp set:  'Tea Together'
card stock:  
  • Soft Seafoam-5 1/2 x 9 1/2"- score at 1, 4 1/4 & 8 1/2"- this is your card base; 1 3/4" strip to punch out with 1 1/2" Circle Punch
  • Whisper White- 1 3/4" strip- stamp words onto & punch out using the 1 3/8" Scalloped punch; 1 3/4" strip- stamp flowers onto this strip, color with Stampin' Blends & cut out with the coordinating framelits; 5 1/4 x 3"- to stamp words on for inside greeting
  • Petal Pink- 3 1/2" strip- stamp tea pot & cup/saucer onto this & cut out with coordinating framelit
  • Calypso Coral-5 1/4x 3"- Emboss with Country Floral Embossing folder- FREE SAB Choice with a $50 product order
ink:  Black Memento
Stampin' Blends:  Light & Dark Calypso Coral, Light & Dark Call Me Clover
other:  Big Shot, Magnetic Platform, Tea Time Framelits Dies, Pearlized Doilies, 1 1/2" Circle Punch, 1 3/8" Scalloped Punch, Basic Pearls, Dimensionals, Glue Dots, Calypso Coral 3/8" Satin Ribbon, Standard Platform, Country Floral Embossing Folder
Yesterday was a busy day!!  It was just amazing!  And honestly- my head is spinning & I hope I can remember everything we did & saw!!  Stampin' Up! is just truly an awesome company!  They treat everyone (all of their employees & their demonstrators) like we are one big family!  I can't tell you how special & honored I feel.  My heart is overflowing with so much right now!  

Many of you have asked about my stamp set design!  I have been working with Kathy & met with her yesterday about it, as she will be designing it for me.  She is just an awesome person.....we just totally clicked together with my idea & things are all set to continue forward.  I am SUPER excited about it!!  It is totally 'me'!  But you are just going to have to be patient & wait to know more about it- until I can share.  And honestly, that might be I'm not sure if it is going to be able to get into next Spring's Occasions Catalog or the upcoming 2021-2022 Annual Catalog.  I promise I'll share with all of you when I can!  But we all have to be patient about it for now (which believe me is going to be hard to do)!

Last night Deke & I had supper at one of my favorite places- The Melting Pot, with a couple of our corporate members & their spouses.  It was a very nice evening & we enjoyed it! 

We are up early this morning & headed back to Riverton for the day!  It will be another jam packed day full of lots of great things!!!  Then later this afternoon, Deke & I are renting a car & driving about 5 hours south, to Kanab, Utah.  We'll stay there tonight.  And then tomorrow we have another jam packed day, where we'll be spending it at our Kanab Plant with all of the employees there!  It is all so exciting & will be so much fun!

I hope you have a very special Thursday!!
Happy stamping!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

'All That You Are'

Here is another fun fold card that everyone joining me for my March monthly classes will be making!!!  

Isn't it bright & cheery!  It makes me think of spring!  WOO HOO!! I know I'm sure ready for warmer temps & winter to be over with. 

How did I do these flowers?
  1. Stamp the flowers onto Vellum card stock, using the Black Stazon ink pad & Stamparatus! 
  2. FLIP the Vellum over & using Stampin' Blends- color the images!  
  3. On strips of Whisper White card stock I stamped the 2 littler flower, using my Black Memento ink & then colored them using the Stampin' Blends & fussy cut them out using my Paper Snips. 
  • WHY do I color on the back side of the stamped image?  Because Stazon ink is not intended to be used with the Alcohol Based Stampin' Blends.  The Stazon will bleed & the black Stazon ink will then transfer onto your Stampin' Blend tip & make a big mess. 
  • WHY did I use Stazon ink instead of my Black Memento ink when stamping the flowers onto the Vellum card stock?  Because the Black Memento will not dry on will smear!
  • SO I have 2 black ink pads I used here, doing 2 different techniques on just one card!
  • Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions about this!
 This is what the card looks like opened up.
stamp set:  'All That You Are'
card stock:
  • Daffodil Delight- 7 3/4 x 4 1/4 "- score at 5 1/2" for card base; 4 1/4 x 3 3/4"; 3/8" strip- stamp words onto & cut off strip with paper snips to your desired length, then flag ends using your paper snips too!
  • Whisper White- 4 x 5 1/4"- stamp greeting on for the inside of the card; 4 1/2 x 3 1/2- for outside of card layer- adhere vellum to the top of this; 1 1/2" strip- stamp flowers onto &fussy cut out with your paper snips
  • Vellum-4 1/4 x 3 1/4- stamp flowers/leaf images onto this
designer paper:  Gingham Gala
ink:  Black Stazon, Black Memento
Stampin' blends:  Light & Dark Daffodil Delight, Light & Dark Old Olve
other:  Wink of Stella, Organdy SAB Ribbon- available NOW- while supplies last only!; Gingham Gala Adhesive Backed Sequins, Dimensionals, Glue Dots
We arrived in Utah about noon.  We had a super nice driver take us to our hotel.  Our room wasn't ready yet- so we walked about 1 1/2 miles & had a yummy turkey pot pie for lunch at one of my favorite places- the Nauvoo Cafe in the Temple Square.  And then after some mess ups- we finally got checked into our room.  Waiting for us was a cool wooden create with snacks in it!  And a beautiful Tag & note from Sara & Shelli.  Our room is huge & pretty!  The hotel is old & gorgeous.  The luggage guy, Clark- is such a nice man & so sweet & helpful! 

Deke took a little nap & then my friend Donna & her husband Jeff - picked us up at our hotel & we had a great supper & wonderful time visiting with them!  And I'm so bummed we didn't get a picture of all us together!  We are thankful for their friendship & thrilled they made the time to come eat with us & visit! 

This morning we are up & headed to our Riverton Office for my celebration!!  I know it will be an amazing day.......I am excited, nervous & anxious! 

I hope you have WONDERFUL Wednesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

'Painted Seasons' Bundle!!

I love this has all seasons in it!  This flower is my favorite!  

This stamp set & coordinating DSP are a Level 2 Sale-a-bration choice.....which means you can get them for FREE with a $100 product order.  Or you can just get the DSP as a Level 1 SAB choice, FREE with a $50 product order.

PLUS- You can purchase the Four Season coordinating framelits to go with them!  They are $27.00. 

This is another fun fold card that everyone joining me at my monthly March classes will be making! 
This is what it looks like opened up.  

You can't tell by looking at the photo, but on the Whisper White piece that is on the card base, I used the Subtle Embossing Folder on it to just give it a little extra dimension.  
stamp set:  'Painted Seasons'
card stock:
  • Poppy Parade- 4 1/4 x 5 1/2- card base; 3 1/4 x 8 1/2- score at 4 1/4- fold in half for card front; 2 3/4" strip- cut out with Stitched Rectangle Framelit
  • Whisper White- 4 x 5 1/4- emboss with Subtle Embossing Folder; 2 3/4" strip- cut out with Stitched Rectangle Framelit & stamp words on it; 2 3/4" strip- stamp flowers & leaves on strip & cut out with framelits; 4 x 3"- for inside of card 
designer paper:  4 x 3"
ink:  Early Espresso, Pear Pizzazz & Poppy Parade
other:  Big Shot, Magnetic Platform, Stitched Rectangle Framelits, Four Seasons Framelits, Sponge Dauber, Standard Platform, Subtle Embossing Folder, Dimensionals, Glue Dots
Yesterday was a busy day with the kids. They were so good.  And Grandma & Papa are going to miss them so much!  And I had a super busy day getting orders all entered & finalized from my 3 classes I had over the weekend too.  Last night I stamped- working on projects that I'm taking with me.  And we packed our suitcases.  I just pray that we aren't forgetting anything!  It was another short night. we'll probably both be sleeping on the plane.

We are off!!!!!  Oh my gosh.....I don't even know what to say or think!  I'm nervous, curious, excited!  Some of the happenings in the next few days I know about & some are going to be a total surprise!  I will be sharing here on my blog post- if we have internet.  And if we don't- then I'll share after we get home on Sunday.  

Many of you already know where we are going.  But some of you might be wondering where we are going.  We are going to Utah to celebrate my Million Dollar Sales Milestone Achievement at Stampin' Up!  

So Deke & are headed to Des Moines to the airport, flying to Denver, and then to Salt Lake City!  We will be picked up at the airport there & taken to our hotel.  I am hoping we have time to make it over to the John Smith building & have their famous chicken pot pies for lunch at the Nauvoo Cafe.  And I want Deke to see some of my favorite sites in downtown Salt Lake City too this afternoon!  As I have been to Salt Lake City many, many, many times over the years.  And Deke has never been to Utah before.  

Then tonight I'm SUPER EXCITED that a dear friend of mine, Donna & her husband, Jeff, are picking us up at our hotel & we are all going to enjoy supper together at a mexican restaurant!!  We can't wait to see them & catch up on things!

WOW!!  Hitting this huge milestone has just been unbelieveable!  It still doesn't seem real or possible!  Can it really be- me?  But I thank each & everyone of you from the bottom of my heart, for stamping with me & letting me share my love of Stampin' Up! with you!  You are all blessings in my life & I so treasure our time together stamping & sharing our life's happenings together.  

So stay tuned!  Be sure you stop back by tomorrow!  I will hopefully have internet at our hotel so I can have a few photos to post & share with you!!

It is going to be a TERRIFIC Tuesday!
It is one I know I'll never forget!
And I hope it is a special day for you too!

Happy Stamping!

Monday, March 4, 2019

'Beauty Abounds'- a fun accordion card!

Here is a another one of the fun fold cards that I created for my March monthly classes.  This is a neat monochromatic card.  I just love the way it turned out!
Here is what it looks like when it is opened up!  It is a fun accordion fold!!
I used the pretty Navy & White cross stitched Needlepoint Nook DSP along the top & bottom. 
So what do you think about it? 

This stamp set has some pretty cool bohek technique dots it in!  They are the disinktive stamps.  Doesn't it look neat!  This is a totally Susie card!

NOTE:  I am so sorry my pictures are so gray.  I tried to make them more white/bright.....but couldn't get the lighting changed.  My family did get me a cool new camera for my birthday.....and it takes great pictures.  But I don't know how to download them onto my until I have time to get it figured out I'll be using my old camera.....but will hopefully Ill get it figured out next week when I get more time to catch up on things. 
stamp set:  'Beauty Abounds'
card stock:  
  • Night of Navy- 4 1/4 x 5 1/2"- card base; 3 1/4 x 3/4", 2" strip to cut out butterflies on; 2 1/2" strip- punch out Starburst punch
  • Whisper White- 4 1/4" strip- Cut out Stitched Rectangle Framelit; 2 1/2" Strip- stamp words onto strip & cut out using the Stitched Circle Framelits; 3 x 4"- put inside accordion fold & stamp words onto; 4 1/4 x 9 3/4"- score at 3 1/4 & 6 1/2"- to make accordion card fold
designer paper:  Needlepoint Nook DSP- 4 x 1"; 4 x1"
ink:  Night of Navy
other:  Night of Navy Plaid ribbon- 4", Starburst Punch, Big Shot, Magnetic Platform, Stitched Shaped Framlits (large Circle); Butterfly Beauty Thinlits, Rectangle Stitched Framelits, Basic Pearls, Dimensionals, Glue Dots

Yesterday was a great day of stamping with everyone!  Kathy had yummy treats & was alot of help too in setting up & cleaning up!  Also thanks to Teri, Dena, Jenny & Andrea too for staying to help us out too!

I got home about 7:30 last night.  By the time I got my car unloaded & some stuff was after 10:30 & I decided I needed to call it a night.  I was just beat.

This morning we are up early!  Deke is off to chore & head to the courthouse for his weekly board meeting.  He then will be home to chore & has 2 meetings to attend in Fairfield tonight.

I'm off to town to Manda's.  Will take the twins to school & spend my day with the 3 little ones.  When everyone goes home tonight I'll be placing orders & packing!  Deke & I leave early tomorrow morning for Utah!  Yikes.......we still have so much to do & get done.

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

'Let it Ride'

All of my March monthly cards are fun folds!  Here is one of them, using the 'Let it Ride' stamp set on page 45 in the Occasions Catalog.

Check out the cool 'Crackle Paint' background stamp that I used with it!!!  It too is a new stamp set on pg 44 in the Occasions Catalog.
This is a center door fold card.  Here it is opened up. 
It is a great guy card!!!  I love the way it turned out!  What do you think?

stamp set:  'Let it Ride' & 'Crackle Paint'
card stock:  
  • Early Espresso-  5 1/2 x 8 1/2"- card base- score at 2 1/8" & 6 3'8"; 2" strip to punch out Tailored Tag Punch, 4 x 3 1/4"
  • Crumb Cake-  4 1/4" strip- cut out Large Rectangle Stitched Framelit, 1 3/4" strip- stamp words onto & punch out using the 1 1/4" Circle Punch
  • Whisper White-  4 x 5 1/4"- for inside of card; 3 3/4 x3"- stamp horse & trees onto & color with the Stampn' Blends
ink:  Black MementoStampin' Blends:  Light & Dark Old Olive, Light Crumb Cake, Light Basic Black
other:  Tailored Tag Punch, 1 1/4" Circle Punch, Natural Hemp (Carry over from Holiday Catalog, Dimensonals, Glue dot, Scoring Tool, Big Shot, Magnetic Platform, Rectangle Stitched Framelits
Yesterday was a great day of stamping with so many from my CR group.  It was so good that we finally had a class & it didn't end up snowing for it!  Karen & Pam were great hostesses.  Kathy & Ruth were awesome to stay & help us out in cleaning & packing up afterwards too!  

I was just beat when I got home last night.  Deke was just getting in from the far, so we decided to run to town & grab a quick sandwhich for supper & then came home & went to bed- calling it an early night.  My sister, Beckie & brother-in-law Dan were at the Copper Lantern too- so we sat & visited with them while we all ate our supper.  Running into them was a very nice surprise- it was great to see them!!  I needed to be stamping when we got home- but decided I just had to get some sleep instead. 

I'm up early this morning to finish getting ready for today's stamp class & I will be repacking, loading the car & heading out the door after bit.  Kathy is my hostess for today's N. Liberty class!  We have a big group coming & I look forward to sharing & stamping with all of them.  

I hope you have a SENSATIONAL Saturday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

'Piece of Cake'

This is a beautiful card that my downline Dawn Klein sent to me for my birthday a couple of weeks ago.  It is bright, cheery & I love it!!

Oh my gosh.....there is a ton of details here on this card.  I will try to get the supplies updated here sometime soon for you.  

stamp set:  'Piece of Cake'
card stock:
Stampin' Blends:
Yesterday was another early & busy day.  I got the boys to school & spent my day with the 3 little ones.  Everyone was here for a bit after school.  When everyone was gone I literally cut card stock all night!  

I'm headed out soon as I have 2 stamp classes today.  Pam & Karen are my hostesses.  We have a big group coming!  I can't wait to see everyone & stamp!  All of my cards for this months monthly classes are fun folds- which you all know I like.

Gotta run.......still need to finish some cutting, packing up & loading my car.

I hope you have a SUPER Saturday!!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, March 1, 2019

NOW MORE. Check out the 3rd Release Sale-a-bration products!

The Sale‑A‑Bration party keeps getting better and better with our third release, which includes a fabulous new Level 1 item—our Painted Seasons Designer Series Paper*! We are also now making some of our regular products earnable as Sale‑A‑Bration rewards. Check them out!

  • MINI PIZZA BOXES- #152836 
  • PEARLIZED DOILIES (X2)- #152837 

Botanical Butterfly DSP!

This is a gorgeous card that my downline Lori Hammes sent to me.  I just LOVE IT!  When looking at this DSP I would have never put it with the Night of Navy card stock.  But it is just stunning in person!
stamp set: 'Butterfly Gala'
card stock:  Night of Navy, Very Vanilla
designer paper:  Botanical Butterfly DSP- 
This is a Sale-a-bration Choice- FREE with a $50 product order
ink:  Night of Navyother:  Navy Baker's Twine, Dimensionals, Butterfly Duet Punch- available around April 1st. Wink of Stella (over the butterfly)
OH......I burnt the midnight oil again stamping!!  I had good mojo & have some super cute cards created for my upcoming March classes.  

This morning I'm up early & off to town soon as Manda' has an early meeting today!  I'll pick up Brayden on the way to town, feed the boys breakfast & then take the 3 big boys to school.  I'll come home & spend my day with the 3 little ones.  Tonight when the kids go home I'll be a cutting fool!!  AND I hope Deke helps me as I have lots of Big Shot cutting to do too! 

I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Butterfly Gala

We sure have gotten lots of sympathy cards this past week!  Thanks to all of you that sent them!  

This butterfly card is one that my demonstrator friend Christy made & sent to us.  She used the 'Butterfly Gala' stamp set & coordinating Butterfly Duet Punch, plus the coordinating Botanical Butterfly DSP!  This card is a fun fold too!  Check it out!

NOTE:  The Butterfly Duet Punch is currently not available due to its high demand.  It will be available around April 1st again!!!  So be sure you add it to your wish list if you don't already have it!

stamp set:  'Butterfly Gala'
card stock:    Grapefruit Grove, Basic Black, Whisper White
designer paper:  Botanical Butterfly DSP (Sale-a-bration- FREE with a $50 product order)
ink:  Black Memento
other:  Butterfly Duet Punch, Grapefruit Organdy ribbon (Sale-a-bration- FREE with a $50 order- NOT available again until around 3/4), Big Shot, Layering Circles Framelits, Dimensionals, Glue Dots, Wink of Stella
Last night was a short night, as I burnt the midnight oil stamping & trying to catch up on things.  There just isn't enough hours in the day.  This past week has just been a really tough one & it has literally kicked my butt!

This morning Deke is up early to chore & head to Ottumwa for 2 meetings.  I'm up early to work on farm bookwork & then head to town to Manda's, as she has to leave early today.  I'll take the twins to school & then spend my day with the 3 little ones.  The kids & I will make a quick trip to Osky to meet Deke this afternoon at our CPA's.  The kids' nap time is sure gonna be messed up- but there just isn't any other way to do it.  The 3 big boys will ride the bus & be here after school.  Tonight when they have all gone home I'll be a stamping fool.  And I pray that I have good mojo!

Gotta run......
I hope you have a great Thursday!!
Happy Stamping!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Flowering Desert

Well......honestly- when I saw this stamp set I didn't think I needed it!  But then I saw some cute cards on line.......and I ended up getting it!  

This card is similar to one I saw on line- but I don't remember who or where (I'm sorry).  I did change it a little bit.  I rarely copy anything....but I just loved this!  I love how the big cactus is cut out & how it pops off the page!!! 

There is alot of color & fun images going on here on this card- and I added the Melon Mambo to go with it, to make it ever more bright & fun!

stamp set:  'Flowering Desert'
card stock:
  • Melon Mambo-
  • Granny Apple Green-
  • Whisper White-
ink:  Black Memento, Call Me Clover, Granny Apple Green, Shaded Spruce, Petal Pinkother:  Big Shot, Magnetic Platform, Rectangle Stitched Framelits, Standard Platform, Corrugated Embossing Folder, Basic Rhinestone, Black Bakers Twine, Bitty Blooms Punch Pack (flower punch), Dimensionals, Glue Dots
Trey was still sick yesterday, so Manda took him to see Dr. Mary.  He too had strep throat.  So is on meds & she'll stay home with him again today!  Poor guy- hope he is better soon!  And I pray that no one else gets sick!

So it was just me & the 2 little Wood kids yesterday.  And then I burnt the midnight oil working on stamping stuff.  Deke powerwashed all day & literally was gone from 7 a.m. to about 9 p.m. last night.  He didn't even stop for lunch.  I feel so bad that he is playing catch up too with all of the craziness we've had around here the past several days.  

I'm up early this morning to walk & get ready for the kids to get here.  I'll spend my day again with the 2 little ones & then Brayden will be here after bit too.  He gets one of his teeth pulled this morning, so depending on how he gets along- I think he'll be here for the rest of the day.  Tonight when the kids go home I'll be burning the midnight oil stamping again!  Deke is off early this morning to chore & go to the office at the courthouse to catch up on things there.  And then work late on the farm tonight catching up here too. 

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A larger treat pouch using the Envelope Punch board!

Here is another treat pouch I made using my Envelope Punch board.  But this one is bigger!!!  

How did I do it?
  • I took a 8x8" piece of DSP
  • I punched & scored it on all 4 sides at 4".
This pouch is big enough to fit our standard card sizes into that are 5 1/2 x 4 1/4".   It will hold approx. 3 cards & envelopes in it!!  COOL HUH!
See how they fit into it.  You can not shut the top flap- but it works great as a pouch for these 3 cards/envelopes.  
I made this for a special friend.  I used the Broadway Bound Specialty DSP!

Yesterday was a bitter sweet day!!  Dick will be missed greatly!!!  And I worry about my mom....she is going to be lost.  But Dick's service was so nice!!!  My nephew, Ben & Dick's nephew, Vince (which is our local Methodist Minister) did the service, as that is where mom & Dick go to church.  We had lots of tears & lots of laughs as we reminisced many great times over the years!  They had a military salute at the cemetery in honor of Dick's years of Army service.  And then the church ladies had a great lunch for us waiting when we got back to the church.  It was nice to spend the time with family & many we don't see often!  

I was just beat when we got home.  I haven't slept well at all this week!  I have too many things to get done & I can honestly say that I'm in stress over load mode right now.  I worked on stamping stuff!, burning the midnight oil.  But  I have LOTS more to get caught up on & things to get ready for upcoming classes I have this week!  Somehow it will all work out. 

This morning I'm off early- as school is now starts at 7:55 each morning instead of 8:20.  The kids have had 12 snow days this winter & the only way to get them made up is to lengthen the school day.  This change is going to be hard on all of us!  I'll take the 3 big boys to school & then spend my day with the 3 little ones!  The 2 big boys will ride the bus out after school.  When everyone is gone home tonight- I'll be a stamping fool, burning the midnight oil again!

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Envelope Punch Board Treat pouch!

This is a little treat pouch I made for my team that came to my celebration last month.
I used the envelope punch board to make it!!  And I added in a little gift of Clear Epoxy Enamel Hearts too!

The pouch is a 6x6" piece of DSP.  I used my Envelope Punch Board to punch & score at the 3" mark on all 4 sides!  I used my Tear & Tape to hold the bottom flap up & then wrapped a belly band around it!

stamp set:  'Meant to Be'
card stock:  Melon Mambo, Shaded Spruce, Soft Sea Foam
designer paper:  Garden Impressions DSP
ink:  Melon Mambo
other:  All My Love Ribbon (Flirty Flamingo), Pretty Label Punch, Dimensionals, Tear & Tape, Glue Dots, Big Shot, Magnetic Platform, Needlepoint Elements Framelits Dies, Envelope Punch Board
Yesterday was spent with family & friends at Dick's visitation.  Today we'll spend the day together again at his funeral.

Hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

All That You Are!

Today I'm sharing a card I made with some scraps laying on my counter!!  I used 2 strips of the Gingham Gala DSP along the edge!  This DSP is so very popular!  I just love it!

Check out this stamp set.  It is on page 2 in the Occasions Catalog!  It has neat flower images & great words to go along wit it! 

I stamped the flowers using my Black Memento & then colored them using my Stampin' Blends!
stamp set:  'All That You Are'
card stock:  Highland Heather, Whisper White
designer paper: Gingham Gala
ink:  Black Memento
Stampin' Blends:   Highland Heather- light & dark, Light & Dark Granny Apple Green
other:  Wink of Stella, Paper Snips, Dimensionals, Glue Dots, SAB Organdy Ribbon(Not available right now), Tailored Tag Punch
Yesterday started out bright & early at 4:30 am.  It was one disaster after another.....rain, ice, stuck semi' turned into a 4 1/2 hour ordeal.  So I missed my hair cut appointment- but thankfully I got in later.  I then spent the afternoon cleaning & getting things done around the house.  And our kids came to for supper to celebrate my birthday.  We had pizza, brownies & root beer floats!  Yummy!!  The boys played a new game.  And Manda helped me set up my new camera that they all got for me.  I was beat.......when everyone left I got the dishes done, toys picked up & we called it a night.

This morning I'm up early to walk.  Deke is off early to chore.  We are headed to the funeral home- where we'll spend our day/evening.  
I hope you have a SUPER Sunday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Painted Seasons DSP!

More Painted Seasons.......this time I used the DSP!  WOW!  Isn't it gorgeous!  I love these colors!
This is a fun DOUBLE Z fold card. 

I had a few special friends that needed cards sent to them this week!   This is basically the version of it......none of them were exactly the same. 
stamp set:  'Incredible Like You' (words)
card stock:

  • Poppy Parade-
  • Grapefruit Grove-
  • Whisper White- 
designer paper:  Painted Seasons DSP- part of the Painted Seasons BUNDLE- a FREE Sale-a-bration choice with a $100 product order from now until 3/31/19! 
ink:  Poppy Parade 
other:  Paper Snips to fussy cut out the flowers from the DSP; Big Shot, Stitched Shapes Framelits (squares), Simply Scored Scoring Tool, Calypso Coral 3/8" Satin Ribbon, Dimensionals, Glue Dots
Yesterday was a busy day with kids.  We even squeezed in a quick hair cut for Trey!  (Which he needed so badly.)  The boys are into loving to play board lots of games, lots of books & a fun movie of Ferndinand was on our agenda for the day!!  When the kids went home I spent my night stamping!

We are up early this morning at 4:30 & headed out to mark, sort & load 2 semi's of hogs!  One semi got here last night- just as we were getting ready to go to bed.   He slept in his semi & he is already backed up to the building & ready to go.  Hopefully the other trucker gets here on time & all goes well with getting them both off & arriving safely at their destinations.  We are suppose to get some rain/freezing rain tonight.....just I'm just praying that it isn't slick!  We sure don't need any ice. 

When we get done with selling the hogs- Deke is going to spend the day moving piggies out of the nurseries & into the finishers.  I'm off to go pick up my mom.  We are both going to get our hair cut!  Hopefully we make it there on time.  Brayden has ball games all day we'll see if I can make it to one of them.   Hopefully I will.  

Tonight we are having supper with our kids & their families to celebrate my birthday that was earlier this week.  The boys are wanting to play games.  I told them that sounded like fun to me!  I'm sure we'll all be tired & won't be out too late.  As today was a long & busy day, but tomorrow is going to be a rough one.  As we have Dick's family viewing in the morning & his visitation from 3-7 pm.  I'm sure if the weather is good we'll have a huge crowd coming to the funeral home.  Today is kind of a bitter sweet TODAY (2/23) would have been Dick's 83rd birthday.  So we'll all be thinking of him!

Gotta run.
I hope you have a SWEET Saturday!!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, February 22, 2019

My step-dad- Dick Homan-

Image may contain: Sharon Homan, smiling 
On my gosh.....I can just hear his laugh here!
My mom & Dick
Image may contain: 6 people, including Susie Wood, Nathan Wood and Sharon Homan, people smiling, people standing
Us at Nathan & Sarah's wedding.
Mom & Dick with all of the kids (minus Trey)- 
at the Veteran's Day program at school in November. 

Dick served in the Army MANY years!  
He will be buried in his dark blue Army uniform.  
Most of the people around here called him "Sarge"!  
Image may contain: 1 person

Paper Pumpkin is turning 6!!!


***Here is a message form Paper Pumpkin that I wanted to share with all of you- read on!
WOW- Paper Pumpkin is turning six and we want to celebrate with you! After all, we could not have shared all these years of creativity if it weren’t for our demonstrators and subscribers. 

To celebrate this fun occasion and to thank everyone who supports Paper Pumpkin month after month, we’re offering a specially-designed March kit and a FREE STAMP SET. Oh, yes. You read that right. In March, you will receive TWO stamp sets with your Paper Pumpkin kit.

We don’t want to give away too much, but here’s a little bit about the March kit that we want to share with you to get you excited! Because it’s our birthday, we decided to create a kit that is perfect for making birthday cards!
  • The March kit features eight full-sized, mailable cards
  • Coordinating colors are Basic Black, Bermuda Bay, Daffodil Delight, Flirty Flamingo, and Poppy Parade
  • This kit has an element that is sure to “pop”!
  • The FREE stamp set is even bigger and better than your typical Paper Pumpkin stamp set and can be used on a variety of crafting projects.
 What you need to know:
  • A subscriber must have an active subscription by March 10, 2019 in order to receive the March kit.
  • The FREE stamp set coordinates with the March kit but it is not needed to complete the projects.
  • Supplies may be limited toward the end of the subscription period.

To subscribe so you can get a March Paper Pumpkin kit- CLICK HERE!