
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A great guy card!

Here is a great guy card.
This is also one that everyone made at my 'All Occasions' card class.
I LOVE this 'Woodgrain' background stamp!
 'Look Up to Father', 'Loving Thoughts' & 'Woodgrain' background stamp
cs:  Chocolate Chip, Naturals Ivory, Crumb Cake
ink:  Chocolate Chip
supplies:  Big Shot, Starburst Framelits, 2 1/2" Circle Punch, dimensionals

The boys & I were busy yesterday morning with errands.
And then played outside for about 2 hours.
What a LOVELY day!!
It is awesome to see the sunshine & warmer temps!
Deke was gone all day to meetings- one in morning, one in afternoon & one last night.
 Brayden was here last night to visit & eat supper with me 
& I enjoyed getting to spend the time with him. 

This morning we are headed out to my moms for a bit.
Then home to register for Stampin' Up! convention!
Tonight is my farmer night.....helping Deke with the hogs.
And hopefully get to find time to do some much needed stamping!
 I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sending Good Thoughts Your Way!

Good morning!!
Here's another card from my 'All Occasions' Card Class.
Clean & Simple was what I was trying for.
But I'm not a clean & simple stamper- so added the cut out star & the Decorative Dots embossing it looks more like a Susie card.
 I will update this post with the supply list soon.

It is a start to another busy week here.
Deke has meetings all morning.
The twins & I are headed out to deliver a couple of stamp orders, go to the bank & to the locker to pick up our meat.
Then home to put it in the freezers & it will be time to get lunch.

I have stamps all over our home....
Family Room, Kitchen, Stamp Room, Living Room, Dining Room!!
Really- I'm not joking!
*Boxes from 'All Occasions' card class- that I'm still unpacking & putting away.
*My upcoming Stamp'Til You Cramp ideas & projects all over.
*Boxes of supplies for the 6 cards for my 3 monthly stamp classes that I have this week.
*Supplies for the 175-200 graduation invitations I have to make this week 
for our niece Maddison Wood.
*Paper Cutter, Scoring Tool, Scissor Snips, Punches- as just a few of many things 
laying on our kitchen island.

Where do I begin?
What do I do first?
I am just praying I get lots of stamping done this week & still get alittle sleep somehow too.

Gotta run.....
I hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

A "Class of 2014" Graduation Cap/Card

Here is a quick post.
I'm still cutting card stock & packing up for my workshop I have today!
I can't wait to see Ila & the gang & stamp with everyone!
I have some super cute cards to share with everyone stamping with me for my monthly classes this month.
Be sure to stop back by later this week as I'll be posting them.
I did lots of fun folds!

 I have already posted this card, but added the year to it....
Click here to see my previous post! 
so posting it again, along with the measurements as I've had a few people ask me how I did it.
This is a card that I did for a swap that I was in last month with Carols' group.

Yep- Graduation is just around the corner, so thought this would be appropriate to make.
What graduate wouldn't like getting a card like this!
Check out the cute tassel on it that I made with the Fringe Scissors- pg. 31 in the Occasions Catalog.
 I used the graduation set- 'Pomp & Circumstance' on pg. 29 in the Occasions Catalog.
The the set- 'Memorable Moments'- pg. 134 in the Main Catalog.

 Here are the directions for the fold.
Grad Cap Card-
  • Cut paper 4 1/4" x 9 3/4"
  • Score at 5 1/2"
  • Add Diagonal Plate
  • With short side at the top, score diagonally from the 2 1/8" mark, turn card over and score again from the 2 1/8" mark forming an X over the 5 1/2" scored line.
  • Fold along all scored lines
  • At the top of the card mark the center (2 1/8")
  •  With the paper timer cut from the 2 1/8" mark to the first scored line on both sides forming a point.

For Whisper White lining-
  •  Cut 4" x 5 1/4"
  • Mark the center at the top of card then mark 2" down the side of the card from that end cut from center mark to each 2" mark forming a point.
Layer inside of card-
  • Cut a 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" (square)

'Pomp & Circumstance'  
cs:  Basic Black, Whisper White, Silver Glimmer Paper
ink:  Black Stazon
supplies:  Scoring Tool, Diagonal Scoring Plate, Merry Mini Punch Pack (Small Star),
dimensinals, glue dots, Neutrals Candy Dots (Basic Black), Candy Dots Brad Bases, Paper Piercing Mat & Tool, White Twine, Fringe Scissors, Sticky Tape 

I hope you have a SUPER Sunday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Good morning!
Here is a quick post.
This is another card from my 'All Occasions' card class.
It is a cool card that could be used for many different occasions.
And how can you go wrong with 'Gorgeous Grunge'.
That has to be one of my all time favorite sets.
'Gorgeous Grunge' & 'Geometrical'
cs:  Night of Navy, Soft Suede, Whisper White
ink:  Night of Navy & Soft Suede
supplies:  Chevron Punch, dimensionals

I am praying I have good mojo today!
I'm going to be a stamping fool!
I have lots to do to get ready for my workshop tomorrow.
I have some super cute cards planned for everyone joining me to make.
AND I can't wait to see them & share!

The guys are working in the field again today pumping- so I'll have to make lunch for them. to figure out what should I make?

I hope you have a SENSATIONAL Saturday!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Remembering Sgt. Stein

 Here is an awesome youtube tribute to my friend Sgt. Stein.

I can't believe it has been 3 years ago.
Our hearts are still heavy!
And Eric is missed greatly by many & will never be forgotten.
He was an awesome friend & co-worker of mine.
I so remember this awful day & the days to come as we went through the investigation.

WOW! A Starburst Framelits Birthday card......

Here is another card everyone did at my 'All Occasions' card class.
I love how the 2 1/2" Circle Punch coordinates with the Starburst framelits.
Isn't this Pacific Point Stripped ribbon pretty too!
 'See Ya Later' (SAB) & 'Banner Blast' (SAB)
cs:  Pacific Point, Summer Starfruit & Whisper White
ink:  Pacific Point
supplies:  2 1/2" Circle Punch, Big Shot, Starbrust Framelits, Banner Punch (SAB), Decorative Dots Embossing Folder (SAB), Stripped Pacific Point Ribbon, dimensionals

I had hoped to stamp last night- but didn't make it that far.
I spent the night sorting orders & doing bookwork.
Deke didn't get in until late again from the field.
I'm headed to Manda's again this morning to get the boys.
I know they are all looking forward to Steven being home from his work trip tonight.

The boys & I will head to the bank later this morning & then back home.
Papa & Uncle Joe are still pumping- so I'll have to make lunch to send to the fields again today.
I am still fighting a nagging cough & headache.
Thankfully Deke's almost over with his cold & the boys haven't gotten it yet. 
So I have "high hopes" that I'll be better soon too. 

Gotta run......
Woo Hoo!!!
I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday! 
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

An elegant wedding card.....

Good morning!
Here is another card everyone made at my 'All Occasions' card class.
This card is similar to a one that I made for Brayden's mom & Mike's wedding last August.
I love how you can add this fun border to a card using the 
Dotted Scallop Ribbon Border Punch!
Isn't it just so pretty!
 'Label Love'
cs:  Basic Gray, Smokey Slate, Whisper White
ink:  Basic Gray
supplies: Big Shot, Mosaic Embossing folder, Basic Rhinestones, Whisper White Organza Ribbon, Dotted Scallop Ribbon Boarder Punch, dimensionals, glue dots, Artisan label Punch

We had a busy day yesterday!
Made lunch for the guys working here in the field pumping.
While the boys napped I got stamp orders from Erin's party sorted & bagged 
& the twins & I delivered them to her.
I took the twins home last evening & ate supper with them & tired to help Manda- 
as Steve is gone for work this week.
Deke worked pumping until late.

Thankfully I am feeling a little better today. 
I'm not 100%- but at least have my voice back, my throat isn't as sore & my couch is much better.
I am still very tired though.

Tonight I'll be stamping the night away working on things for my workshop on Sunday.

Hoping I have good mojo.
I have lots of fun things planned!

I am headed out now to get the boys.....gotta run.

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!
Happy Stamping!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

More 'Polka Dot Pieces'

Good morning!
Here is another cards that everyone joining me for my 'All Occasions' card class made.
Isn't it bright & cheery!
This set is so cute & I used it on 3 different cards for this class.
There are so many different options with it.
 'Polka Dot Pieces' & 'Simply Celebrate'
cs:  Whisper White, Basic Black & Raspberry Ripple
ink:  Black Stazon & Raspberry Ripple
supplies:  Big Shot, Perfect Polka Dots Embossing Folder, Raspberry Ripple Stitched Satin Ribbon, 1/2" Circle Punch, 1 3/4" Scalloped Circle Punch, 2 1/2" Circle Punch, dimensionals, glue dots

We had a long late night on the farm last night.
The hogs sorted & loaded hard.
I got ran over by a big pig (280#) & am sore- but thankfully didn't get hurt.
I just have a few bruises.

 I have been sick the past 2 days....
with a sort throat, cough & headache.  
I am miserable & hopefully feel better soon.
I have too much to do to be sick.

This morning I'm headed to Manda's to get the boys.
Tonight I'll be sorting & delivering stamp orders.
And hopefully I will have some energy left to work on figuring out projects for 
my workshop I have coming up on Sunday.

Deke's Uncle Joe is here to help pump our lagoons- 
so the guys have been putting in long hours trying to get 
alot done before the rain starts again.

will be posted on Monday, 4/21!

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekly Deals- April 1-7, 2014

Sending good thoughts your way!

Here is another pretty card that everyone made at my 'All Occasions' card class.
I love this 2-Stepin' stamp set!
 'Too Kind'
cs:  Rich Razzleberry, Old Olive, Whisper White
ink:  Rich Razzleberry & Old Olive
supplies:  Big Shot, Fancy Fan Embossing Folder, 
Rich Razzleberry Stitched Ribbon, Extra Large Oval Punch, Glue Dots, Dimensionals


We had a busy day yesterday!
How blessed our family is!
 We visited my mom & aunt yesterday morning.
And we're so glad that we got to spend the evening with our kids here for supper.
(Plus our friend Ryan was here too!)
And Susie's Hair Hut was open- so Steve & Brayden got their hair cut!

Tonight I'm a farmer helping Deke sell 2 loads of hogs.

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!

Happy Stamping!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Happy 30th Anniversary to us!

Happy 30th Anniversary to us!
I can't believe it has been that many years since we said "I do!"
I'm so blessed to be married to such an awesome guy & my best friend.
I love you tons Deke!
 'Hearts A Flutter' & 'Teeny Tiny Wishes'
cs:  Real Red & Whisper White
ink:  Real Red
supplies:  Real Red ribbon, Word Window Punch, 1 1/4" Circle Punch, 1 3/8" Circle Punch, dimensionals & glue dots

This card is another one that everyone got to make at my 'All Occasions' card class.
Isn't it pretty!
And a perfect card to give to Deke today as we celebrate our special day!
Yesterday I spent the morning washing dishes from my 'All Occasions' card class
& unpacking some of the things I took-
coffee pot, plates, cups, napkins, silverware, etc.
Then I took the afternoon OFF!
I went to Donnellson racing with 3 of my favorite guys-
Deke, Nathan & Brayden.
Ryan & Mark went with us too!
It was a windy dust bowl there.
Nathan started 12th & finished 7th.
Luckily we got the car home all in one piece.
Was it good racing- NO!
But it was a wonderful day spent with my guys!
And I'm glad I got to go.

Today the boys & I will run errands- Recycle Center & then visit my mom & Aunt Virginia.
This afternoon I'll work on emptying more boxes I carried in from my class on Saturday while the boys nap.
Then our kids are coming for supper tonight.
I'm going to make Lasagne & Garlic Bread....nothing fancy- but easy to do.
I'm also going to try to squeeze in hair cuts for Steve & Brayden too while they are here.

I hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Be sure to contact me to order.....
Or order on line here! 
Don't miss out!!!

TOMORROW (3/31/14) is the last day for Sale-a-bration!!
If you want to place an order so that you get a Sale-a-bration item-
be sure you get me your order by 7 pm. tomorrow evening.

ALSO- tomorrow (3/31/14) is also the last day for you to be able to order any of these 
before they are gone forever!
Here are the 'Best of' 25 Year Anniversary stamp sets!

An awesome guy card!

Here is another card everyone attending my 'All Occasions' card class created.
I love this stamp set!
This is clean & simple- a great guy card!
cs:  Soft Suede, Baked Brown Sugar, Naturals Ivory
ink:  Soft Suede
supplies:   Burlap Ribbon, Sponge, Dimensionals, Extra Large Oval Punch, Big Shot, 
Square Lattice Embossing folder

I had a great day stamping with everyone that joined me for my 'All Occasions' card class.
It was a perfect day!!!

Headed right from there to a meet Deke at a meeting he had last night for his Board Of Supervisors.
We saw many dear friends we don't see often- so it was wonderful to get to visit & hug them!

Today I'm headed out the door soon.
Nathan is racing in Donnellson & I'm going with the guys!
Brayden & I will sit in the stands & watch.
Last night he got 7th down there- but didn't tear anything up.
The guys are working in the shop this morning making chassis adjustments!

I should be staying home- as I have stamps everywhere that need to be put away.
But I feel I need to spend the day with my family & looking forward to our 2014 racing season.

I hope you have a SENSATIONAL Sunday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

A butterfly from 'Polka Dot Pieces'

Here is a quick post.......
this is another one of the cards everyone joining me for my 
'All Occasions' card class made.
I will update this post with a supply list sometime soon.

I'm all packed.....
all of my cards are cut......
my car is loaded......
my food is about all made- I'm finishing it up.
I'm headed out by 6 am this morning for my class!
Woo Hoo!
I'll be spending my day stamping with many friends today!
I can't wait!

I hope you have a SUPER Saturday!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, March 28, 2014


Yep- this celebrate card could be for many different occasions.
But today is my mom & Dick's anniversary!
Wishing them many more happy years together.
 A busy day here today!!
The boys & I are off to meet Jo with orders from her stampin' party this morning.
I'll be cutting card stock & cooking up a storm tonight.
Tomorrow is my 'All Occasions' card class in Hiawatha!
I look forward to spending my day stamping with everyone that is joining me.
I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday!!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

'Polka-Dot Pieces' -it is SPRING!

Good morning!
Here is another one of the cards everyone attending my 
'All Occasions' card class will be making!
Isn't is bright & springy?
'Polka- Dot Pieces' & 'A Dozen Thoughts'
cs:  Early Espresso, Daffodil Delight & Whisper White
ink:  Daffodil Delight & Early Espresso
supplies:  Big Shot, Perfect Polka Dots embossing folder, 1 3/4" Circle Punch, Itty Bitty Shapes Punch Pack, Daffodil Delight Seam Binding ribbon, glue dots & dimensionals

Brayden has strep throat again.
He is now on some high powered meds.
We'll take him back in 2 weeks & plan to be sent to an ENT to get his tonsils out.

Deke & I ran to Osky last night to get groceries for my class on Saturday & deposit our hog check.
Then it was home to sort stamp orders until wee hours of the morning.

Deke is in meetings all day today.
I'll enjoy my day with the twins.
Then spend the night cutting card stock.

I hope you have a very special Thursday!!
Happy Stamping!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Oh- Yay, You!

Here is a simple & clean fun card I created.
My niece Maddie is graduating in May.
So I've been working on her graduation invitations.
I think this card would make a cute graduation card or
just a cute celebration/congratulations card for many occasion.
'Pomp & Circumstance'
cs:  Basic Black, Whisper White & Silver Glimmer
ink:  Black Stazon
supplies:  2 3/8" Scallop Circle Punch, 1 3/4" Circle Punch, Merry Mini's Punch Pack (Small Star), Glue Dots, Dimensionals

Brayden got to help us for awhile on the farm last night.
He is a true little farmer.
I was cold & tired when we got in from loading hogs.
I made a big pot of chili soup for supper & took a hot shower.
Then went to bed early for me!
This crazy/busy month is catching up with me & it isn't over with yet!

 Brayden has strep throat- so I'll be taking him to the dr today.
I feel so bad for my little man.
He is a trooper though.
Tonight I'm planning to be home as I have lots of orders to sort & get ready for delivery.
Plus have LOTS of card stock to cut for my 'All Occasions' card class that I have on Saturday.

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Here are the Weekly Deals!! March 25-31, 2014

2014 Stampin' Up! Catalog......coming soon!!

Woo Hoo!
It is the 2014 Catalog Premiere.
Stampin’ Up! is trying new things & this is one of them!!  
This year to celebrate the launch of the new catalog they are hosting a premiere party in movie theaters across the U.S.  
It’s for demonstrators only.  
Oh- what a wonderful way to share the excitement of the NEW Catalog!

You can join my Iowa Inkers team now!
It isn't too late to buy the Kit.
And then you can join me at the Catalog Premiere on 04/28 @ 6:00 p.m. in Des Moines, Iowa!
(As I'm hoping to get my schedule rearranged to be able to attend.)
 Stampin’ Up! has really made it easy for you to save during Sale-a-Bration- 
until next Monday- 3/31/14.
For just $99, you can choose $150 of Stampin’ Up! product – with Free Shipping!  
Isn't that awesome!
You can contact me for more information.
Joining is easy & you do it right on line from my demonstrator website.
Click on 'JOIN THE FUN' in the upper right hand corner.
It is so easy! 

The New Catalog goes live to customers on June 1st!!!

Oh, Sweet Baby Boy!

Here is the baby boy card- which is one of my 'All Occasions' cards.
Everyone gets to make one pink baby girl card 
& one blue baby boy card. 
I just love the 'Gorgeous Grunge' stamp is so versatile & 
goes with so many other stamp sets.
'Baby We've Grown', 'Simply Stars' & 'Gorgeous Grunge'
cs:  Marina Mist, Smoky Slate & Whisper White
ink:  Marina Mist & Smoky Slate
other:  Paper Snips & dimensionals
Last night I worked on getting envelopes in boxes & 
card stock laid out so I can start cutting everything.
I did an expedited shipping order for more card stock, dimensionals & ribbon, etc.
Nathan & Brayden were also here for supper- so enjoyed their company.

The guys have been working on the new race car all winter.
It is finally pretty much done.
Tony painted it last week & Matt lettered it.
Isn't it just so pretty!
Here is a photo that our son-in-law Steve took of this years Stock Car.
Cool huh!
I know that we have 3 very excited little boys that can't wait to go racing!
They have talked about it all winter- 
asking each week if we can go racing.
I sure HOPE that Nathan has a good 2014 racing season.
Our first race of the season will be on Saturday night.
I can't go- as I have my big stamp class in Hiawatha & I won't be home in time to get there.
But- I will be going on Sunday though!
I'm ready to go racing too!
The racing craziness has begun for our family!

Tonight I'm a farmer.
We are selling 2 loads of hogs- so it will be a late night. 
I am glad that we just got a little dusting of snow last night & nothing more.
It is crazy to think we are suppose to have upper 60* temps on Sunday.
Woo Hoo!

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Oh, Baby!

Here is another card I created for my 'All Occasions' card class.
Isn't it sweet!
 'Baby We've Grown' & 'Simply Stars'
cs:  Strawberry Slush,Smoky Slate, Whisper White
ink:  Smoky Slate & Strawberry Slush
supplies:  dimensionals, Paper Snips

I spent the majority of the day yesterday cleaning up the hall I rented from my class on Saturday.
I still have boxes all over my family room & need to get them moved out before the boys walk in the door any moment.
Gotta run....

I hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A beautiful Collage card using 'Petal Parade'- Sale-a-bration stamp set!

Here is another one of the cards I created for my 'All Occasions' class.
I love the colors of it.
And this stamp set works so awesome when creating a collage look- 
thus it is like making your own designer paper.
'Petal Parade' & 'Simply Create'
cs:  Basic Gray, Primrose Petals, Pink Pirouette, Whisper White
ink:  Basic Gray, Primrose Petals
supplies:  Primrose Petals ribbon, dimensionals, glue dot
Note:  I shadow stamped the lighter color of the pink shown on this card.
I inked up the larger flower image using the Primrose Petals ink,
then stamped it off onto my grid paper 
& then stamped it onto my white card stock.
Everyone joining me for Round #1 of my 'All Occasions' Card Class
had a great time yesterday!
What a fun day of stamping together!
And everyone went home with 40 completed cards- WOW!!

Ok.....gotta run.....
I am off to clean up the building/room I rented 
yesterday for my 'All Occasions' card class.
Then to get it all packed up & back home.

This week I'll have to finish cutting for 
Round #2 of my 'All Occasions' Card Class that I have next Saturday!

I hope you have a SUPER Sunday!
Happy Stamping!
I got the layout of this card from one I saw that my demonstrator friend Dawn Olchefske did.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

'World Map' with the Angled Tag Topper Punch

Here is another one of the cards everyone joining me at my 
'All Occasions' card class will be making.
 I've been a VERY BUSY little bee all week getting ready for this big day!
 I'm looking forward to stamping with many of my friends today!

I hope you have a SENSATIONAL Saturday!!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Happy Spring!!!

Woo Hoo!
Spring has sprung.....and I'm hoping that the warmer weather comes with it.
We had a beautiful day outside yesterday. 
Papa took the boys for a ride in the Scout & 
they played on the swing set & slide for awhile.

Isn't this a "springy" card!
 This is another one of the cards everyone joining me for my upcoming 
'All Occasions' card class will be making!
I love purple & green together.....especially when it is this combo of
Pear Pizzazz & Wisteria Wonder. 
These colors remind me of my grandma Cox...colors she liked.....
a dress she wore......her violets in her kitchen window seals.
Deke went with me last night to set up tables & chairs.
Tonight I'll be cooking & cutting card stock.
The final preparation day for my class is here!!
I can't wait to see everyone that is joining me tomorrow.
I am looking forward to spending our day stamping together.

Gotta boys will be here soon to spend the day with me.
When they leave tonight I've got lots to do!

I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday!!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

More 'Petite Petals'

Here is a quick post......
This is one of my cards everyone joining me for my upcoming 
'All Occasions' 40 Card Class will be making.
If you are one of my customers that is registered  for this big annual class- 
aren't you excited to get to make this beautiful card!
Wait until you see the rest of them!
 I will update this with a supply list sometime by the first part of next week.
I'll continue to post new cards for the next few days, but won't have supplies with them.
I'm a cutting machine burning the midnight oil (or should I just say - not sleeping) 
trying to get everything cut for my upcoming 40 card class.  

I'll spend my day with the boys today.
When they leave late this afternoon- I'll go get the key to the hall I'm renting for the weekends class.
While I'm there I'm going to set up tables & chairs too.
Then head home to start cutting card stock again!
I hope you have a very special Thursday!!
Happy Stamping!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lovin' the Fringe Scissors to make this tassel.......

Here is a fun fold graduation card.
This is a card I made for a swap that I'm in.
The theme this month is a SHAPE card.
 I made the tassel the with Fringe Scissors.
Cute huh!
 I used the graduation set- 'Pomp & Circumstance' on pg. 29 in the Occasions Catalog.

 Here are the directions for the fold.
Grad Cap Card-
  • Cut paper 4 1/4" x 9 3/4"
  • Score at 5 1/2"
  • Add Diagonal Plate
  • With short side at the top, score diagonally from the 2 1/8" mark, turn card over and score again from the 2 1/8" mark forming an X over the 5 1/2" scored line.
  • Fold along all scored lines
  • At the top of the card mark the center (2 1/8")
  •  With the paper timer cut from the 2 1/8" mark to the first scored line on both sides forming a point.

For Whisper White lining-
  •  Cut 4" x 5 1/4"
  • Mark the center at the top of card then mark 2" down the side of the card from that end cut from center mark to each 2" mark forming a point.
Layer inside of card-
  • Cut a 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" (square)

'Pomp & Circumstance'  
cs:  Basic Black, Whisper White, Silver Glimmer Paper
ink:  Black Stazon
supplies:  Scoring Tool, Diagonal Scoring Plate, Merry Mini Punch Pack (Small Star),
dimensinals, glue dots, Neutrals Candy Dots (Basic Black), Candy Dots Brad Bases, Paper Piercing Mat & Tool, White Twine, Fringe Scissors, Sticky Tape 

My downline- Trish Banes made a card using this fold last year for 
one of my team downline meetings.
I changed it- by using a new set & I made my tassel different,
so I could use our new Fringe Scissors.
Thanks Trish for sharing your idea.

WOW- we had a crazy day yesterday- but all survived.
They boys were all really good & loved getting to help us on the farm.
I've been burning the midnight oil creating for my upcoming "All Occasions Card Class".
 Stop back by tomorrow for a peek!
I've got some really neat cards created for this event & can't wait to share!

Deke will be gone for meetings all day today.
The boys & I have to go to Osky to deposit our hog check.
I think we'll eat lunch at McDonald's.
I know the boys love chicken nuggets & french fries.
I'll be home tonight stamping!!

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!!
Happy Stamping!