
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

This weeks "Weekly Deals"- March 18-24, 2014

A 'Petite Petals' Tag card

Good morning!
Here is a pretty card that everyone at Jo's party made on Saturday!
It is another Scalloped Tag Topper Punch card.
Cute huh!
'Flowering Flourishes', 'Petite Petals' & 'Petite Pairs'
cs:  Early Espresso, Whisper White, Crisp Cantaloupe
ink:  Early Espresso, Crisp Cantaloupe
supplies:   Big Shot, Decorative Dots, Petite Petals Punch, Large Oval Punch, Basic Pearls, Scalloped Tag Topper Punch, Sweet Sorbet Accessories (SAB- Crisp Cantaloupe Twine), dimensionals glue dots

Brayden stayed with us last night, as Nathan had a late meeting for work.
I had fun watching Papa help him with his homework.
Then Brayden read some books to Papa.
And then they made Chocolate No Bake cookies together!
 I was in the room with them the whole evening- 
but I was working on things for my big upcoming stamp classes.
I LOVED watching & listening to them doing "things" together.
It was precious!

Today we have a full day on our farm.
We get more baby piggies delivered this morning.
Then sell hogs early this evening.
The twins get to help us this morning.
And Nathan & Brayden will be here this evening to help us.
I'm not sure which little boy is more excited about getting to help farm.
After we are done selling hogs-
Deke will be heading to a late meeting.
And I'll be home alone to do LOTS of stamping!

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Good morning!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all.
May the luck of Irish be with you!
Here is a quick card I created last night......clean & simple.
Yep- my dad's side of the family is Irish.
I love corn beef & cabbage.
 'Teeny Tiny Wishes'
cs:  Crumb Cake, Wild Wasbi
ink:  Wild Wasbi
supplies:  Full Heart punch, Big Shot, Decorative Dots embossing folder, dimensinals, 
Brights Candy Dot- Wild Wasbi, Paper Snips

Wow-we all had a fun time at Erin's party yesterday!
I even got to sit, stamp & visit with them- which doesn't happen too often!

I am looking forward to seeing all of my boy's today!

And praying I have good mojo tonight, as I have lots of creating & cutting to do!
Woo Hoo- my upcoming 'All Occasions' card class is Saturday!
I can't wait to spend my day stamping with everyone that is registered 
& will be joining me.

I hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

you make me HAPPY!

Good morning!
Here is a quick post......
This is another card I made the other night using the Sale-a-bration set- 
'See Ya Later'!
It is the same colors & stamp set as a card I posted a few days ago-
but I just did a different layout with it. 

'See Ya Later' (SAB)
cs:  Basic Gray, Whisper White, Summer Starfruit
marker:  Summer Starfruit
dp:  Sweet Sorbet Designer Paper (SAB)
ink:  Basic Gray
supplies:  Big Shot, Starburst framelits, 
Sweet Sorbet Accessories (Summer Starfruit Twine), sponge, 
Cupcake Builder Punch, dimensionals, glue dot

What a fun day I had stamping with everyone at Jo's party yesterday!
Today I'm off to Erin's party!

I'm excited to see everyone there too!
 I'm off now to finish cutting card stock & packing up to head out.

We got more snow last night.
Thankfully it is only a dusting.
The ground is all covered & white again though.
Surely this is the last snow we are going to have, 
as Spring will be here this week!

I hope you have a SUPER Sunday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

See ya Later Alligator!

Here is another 'See Ya Later' (SAB) card I made last night.
The Decorative Dots embossing folder just goes so well with this little Alligator.
I'm liking the look of double layering with the Starburst framelits.
'See Ya Later' (SAB)
cs:  Sahara Sand, Whisper White, Wild Wasabi, Real Red.
ink:  Wild Wasabi
supplies:  Big Shot, Decorative Dots Embossing Folder (SAB), Starburst framelits, Wild Wasabi ribbon, Owl Punch (small heart), dimensionals, glue dots
 I am headed to Jo's today for her annual Stampin' Party!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone 
meeting a few new friends too!
I hope you have a SENSATIONAL Saturday!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, March 14, 2014

A bow made with the Envelope Punch Board & 'See Ya Later' stamp set!

Another 'See Ya Later' card I created last night.
Basic Black & Very Vanilla with a tiny heart, adding in some Real Red.
And I also added my favorite Envelope Punch Board bow to it too!
 'See Ya Later' (SAB)
cs:  Basic Black, Very Vanilla, Real Red
dp:  Modern Medley Designer Paper
ink:  Black Stazon
supplies:  Big Shot, Starburst framelits, 2 1/2" Circle Punch, Small Heart Punch, Large Pearl, Envelope Punch Board, dimensionals, glue dot

 Don't you love this beautiful Envelope Punch Board Bow?
CLICK HERE to see a step by step tutorial on how to make this bow!

WOW- we had a super busy day yesterday.
We picked up & moved LOTS of baby piggies & I can feel it in my shoulders & arms today.
The twins loved getting to hold, chase & play with the baby piggies.
It is so cute to watch them interact with them & have so much fun on the farm.

I made a mad delivery run last night, making several stops & getting lots of hugs, plus getting to visit with some of my awesome friends as their faces lite up when I gave them their stamp orders!
Oh how it is like Christmas every time the UPS man delivers stamps to me to share!

Today the Seeley family will be attending the funeral of Great Grandma Cox in Albia.
Steven is a pallbearer.  
 Drake has an early dr appointment this morning & I 'm offered to take him, 
but not sure if I'll be needed or not. 

I will be spending the next 7 days literally stamping day & night!
I have TONS of stamping that needs to be hoping I get alot accomplished for all of my upcoming workshops & my big 40 card class.
I am praying that I have good mojo!
Brayden & Nathan will be here tonight.

Tomorrow morning I'm headed to Jo's Stampin' party 
& Sunday afternoon I'm headed to Erin's Stampin' party! 
Woo Hoo!

Gotta run!
I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday!!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

It is 'Springtime Hello'

Woo Hoo-
Spring is only 8 days away!
Oh I can't wait for the sunshine & warmer temps so we can go outside & play.
So with Spring in mind, here is a cute card I created last night.
 'Springtime Hello'
cs:  Sahara Sand, Pear Pizzazz, Elegant Eggplant, Whisper White
markers:  Elegant Eggplant, Pear Pizzazz
supplies:  Scalloped Edge punch, Angled Topper Tag Punch, Small Oval punch, Pear Pizzazz ribbon, Burlap Ribbon, Big Shot, Decorative Dots embossing folder (SAB)

This morning we are busy on the farm, as we are getting baby piggies delivered. 
The boys are excited about getting to go out & help Papa.
Plus are excited about Kurt & Joe delivering them to us.

Tonight I'm headed out on my normal stamp delivery run.
Then home to stamp & work on cards for my 2 workshops 
I have this weekend & my upcoming 'All Occasions' card classes. 

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!
Happy Stamping!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

'See Ya Later' is an awesome Sale-a-bration set!

Good morning!
Here is a fun card that I made last night.
I think that this Sale-a-bration stamp set 'See Ya Later' is so much fun!
A dear demonstrator friend that is a side line & on my Iowa Inkers downline Face Book private group, posted a photo of a card she created using this stamp set & these colors.
So I played & came up with this fun card!
I told Kimberly when she posted her card that I loved it!
That it was my colors!
So thanks Kimberly for inspiring me in creating this card.

'See Ya Later' (SAB)
cs:  Basic Gray, Whisper White, Summer Starfruit
marker:  Summer Starfruit
dp:  Sweet Sorbet Designer Paper (SAB)
ink:  Basic Gray
supplies:  Big Shot, On Film framelits, Starburst framelits, 
Sweet Sorbet Accessories (Summer Starfruit Twine), sponge, Cupcake Builder Punch, dimensionals, glue dot

What a chilly & windy day it was yesterday.
Sure wasn't nice enough to go out & play- that is forsure.
We got our piggies sold & Deke make it to his night meeting in time.
I spent the night stamping & working on my upcoming 'All Occasions' card class.
WOW- I have some cool cards planned to share with everyone joining me 
for this upcoming fun annual event.

Our heartfelt sympathy goes to the Seeley family.
Steve's great-grandma Cox from Albia passed away last night.

Deke is in the office this morning.
Then home to finish getting things ready for our baby piggies that will be arriving tomorrow morning.
The boys are already excited that they get to go out to help Papa farm.
And we have a sick little boy (Drake) today too.....
he has a fever, not eating & just doesn't feel good.
So I'll be taking him to the Dr.

I have 8 boxes of stamps that my UPS man Chase has brought in the past 2 days
& he is suppose to bring more today.
It is always so much fun looking at all of the Stampin' Up! products that everyone has ordered.
It is kind of like Christmas- seeing everyone else gifts!
So I am going to be a busy bee sorting them all tonight.

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Here are some NEW Photopolymer Stamp Sets realeased TODAY!!!

 Check out these new Photopolymer stamp sets, just released this morning! 
 Aren't they just so cute!!

  'Sweetie Pie' Photopolymer Stamp Set #136849= $13.95

'Sweetie Pie Frames' Photopolymer Stamp Set #137121= $13.95

Woo Hoo! Weekly Deals- March 11-17, 2014!!

You Make Me HAPPY!!

Good morning!
Here is a quick post with my 6th card everyone joining me for 
my March workshops makes!
I love this fold!
And I LOVE the new Scalloped Tag Topper Punch!
 'Happy Watercolor'
cs:  Early Espresso, Crisp Cantaloupe, Very Vanilla
ink:  Early Espresso & Crisp Cantaloupe
supplies:  Scalloped Tag Topper Punch, Gold Sequins, Gold Baker's Twine, 2 1/2" Circle Punch, dimensionals, glue dots

What a beautiful- sunshiny warm day we had yesterday!
The boys & I went outside to play late morning & later afternoon both.
I bet they slept good last night!
I love the fresh air!
We are only 9 days away from SPRING!
Woo Hoo! 

I enjoyed my evening last night with Brayden & Nathan here for supper.
Brayden was excited to be able to get the gator out & ride it.

I got connected with my hostesses (Karen & Kathy) & got everyone's orders placed from their party.
WOW- they are going to have fun sorting & going through everything when it arrives to them.

I am hoping the weather is nice enough today that we can go out again for a bit.

Tonight I'm a farmer!
I'll be helping Deke sell hogs & be on the farm.
Then have lots of stamping stuff to do when I get in.

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Oh, Happy MONDAY!

Good morning!
Here is a quick post.....

This is another one of the cards that everyone stamping with me in March got to make!
It is bright & cheery!!
A perfect card for many different occasions!
 Sometime soon I hope to have time to catch up on the supply lists on my posts!

Karen & Kathy were great hostesses yesterday!!
I'm glad that so many joined us & spent their afternoon stamping with me.
We had a great time!

We have another busy week here!
I'm off to get everything carried into my Stamp Studio from yesterday's class- 
so I'm ready for the boys when they get here soon. 
(I just unloaded the car last night & have everything sitting in our family room right now.)
I have piles to get done this week.
I don't even know where to start!
Praying I can do it all!

I hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!!
Happy Stamping!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Here is a Birthday wish on a chalkboard!

Good morning!
Here is one of the cards everyone joining me for my March 
workshops will be making.
Isn't this chalkboard technique so cool!
 It is a fun fold too!!

I will update this with a supply list sometime soon.

Yesterday was a crazy day- but we did alot & survived!
The boys & I enjoyed our movie night with my Great G'ma Fern's yummy Carmel Popcorn!
Manda & Steve came to get the twins about 9:30, 
as their fund raiser got done a little earlier than they thought it would.
Brayden stayed all night.
I cut card stock after I got him to bed & all of the toys picked up.
We all had a fun evening together!

I'm off to get things finished up for today's workshop & head out soon.
 I will drop Brayden off at his moms on my way to Hiawatha.

I'm looking forward to seeing Karen & Kathy & all of their friends at my Stampin' Party today!
This chalkboard card is one that everyone will get to make with me today!

I hope you have a SUPER Sunday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Another wedding invitation......

Good morning!
Here is another wedding invitation I created.
'Gorgeous Grunge'?
Yep......this stamp set is just for any occasion isn't it!
I will update this post with a supply list sometime soon!!

Well- I survived my busy day yesterday & gearing up for another one!
I have a whole kitchen counter full of grocery that I need to finish getting put away.
(I only put away the cold/frozen things last night as I was too tired to do it all.)
I don't think Brayden will want to go grocery shopping with G'ma & Papa 
again for awhile- although he was really good & patient.
And he was lots of help when we got home too!
He is such my little man.
Manda & the twins will be here today, as we are making 
3 roasters full of Cheesy Potatoes for Megan's benefit tonight.
My boys are having a slumber party with G'ma tonight.
I promised Brayden we'd watch a movie & make G'ma Fern's homemade carmel popcorn. 
So I'm looking forward to my evening with my boys!
Wonder what movie they will pick out?
I'm sure they will all have a different one they want to watch.

Manda & Steve have Megan's benefit to help with & attend.
And Deke has the Republican County Convention that he'll be going to.
I have spent hours cutting for my big class on Sunday & still have lots more to do!
I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight forsure.
I look forward to spending my afternoon with everyone & sharing my love of stamping!

Gotta run....
I hope you have a SENSATIONAL Saturday!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Here is another wedding invitation-

Good morning!
Here is another wedding invite I made.
 Isn't the Ampersand embossing folder cool!!
I'm thinking maybe I could sponge over it to make it pop out a little more.
I like the right edge alignment here on the inside wording.
And think the addition of the 2 hearts combined is cool.
What do you think?

I will update this with the supply list sometime soon.

I had a great time stamping with everyone last night!
And glad that so many could join me!

We have a crazy next few days!!!!

Today is going to be a revolving door at our house...
I posted photos on FB of chairs for a friend that wanted to sell them- 
so her husband is bringing their 6 chairs to me this morning.
I got them sold- so the lady buying them is coming later today to get them.
Then my sister-in-law is coming to go through graduation invitation stuff for my niece Mattie.
And I haven't made it to Osky yet this week- as our hog check got lost in the mail.
So our hog buyer is coming this morning & bringing me another check.
And I'm headed to Osky tonight to deposit that after they boys leave.
I'll get groceries & supplies for the roaster of potoatoes I'm making 
for Megan's benefit tomorrow night.

I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday!!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

How cute it is!!!

Chase is my UPS guy & the boys & I LOVE him!
(He is a friend of Nathans & use to race.)
They know Chase is bringing Stampin' Up things when he pulls in the drive.
They greet him at the door & stand in the window watching him leave too.

I thought this was sooooo cute & just had to share!!
 Every time Chase comes it is like Christmas going through all of the things!

A lovely wedding invitation......

 Good morning!
I've been working on designing some wedding invitations.
Here is one of them that I came up with that I really like!
I love this fold & have done it before for wedding invites.
Actually this same layout was my Founders Swap in Sept. 2012.
See it HERE!
'Mr. & Mrs.' & 'Loving Thoughts'
cs:  Basic Gray, Basic Black, Whisper White
ink:  Black Stazon
supplies:  Big Shot, Oval Accents Bigz Clear Die, 
Elegant Bouquet Embossing Folder (retired), 
Basic Pearls, Paper Snips, dimensionals
 (Note:  I am using a retired embossing folder- sorry!)
This is what it looks like opened up.
The front flap folds down.

Gosh.....we were suppose to just get a dusting of snow yesterday, 
but instead got at least a couple of inches. 
Thankfully it has stopped & suppose to be a nice day today!

Tonight is Stampin' Night at our home!
I have a house full of ladies coming to stamp with me 
& looking forward to spending my evening with all of them!

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Thursday!!
Happy Stamping!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A pretty GOLD card!

card created by Kathy White
Good morning!
Here is a pretty gold card that Aunt Kathy made for me for my birthday!
She used alot of the pretty gold accessories that are in the current Occasions Catalog!
 'Memorable Moments'
  cs:  Whisper White, Gold Fancy Foil Designer Paper, Gold Foil Sheet
ink:  Gold Encore Pad
supplies:  Big Shot, Ovals framelits, Gold Twine, Gold Sequins, Watercolor Wonder Washi tape, glue dots, dimensionals, Embossing Buddy, Gold Embossing Powder, Heat Tool

Manda has an early meeting need to run.

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Here are the Weekly Deals- March 4-10, 2014!

Lovin' the 'Woodgrain' background stamp!

Good morning!
Here is a card that I created last week for my March workshops.
Everyone joining me for any of March workshops will get to make this card with me!
Don't you love it!
 I sure love it!
These are my colors & style.
I love this new 'Woodgrain' background stamp.
It is just so versatile.

What do you think of the how I layered the Hexagon Punch behind the Hexagon Thinlit?
Neat huh how it adds dimensions & makes the card just pop!

'Springtime Hello' & 'Hardwood'
cs:  Crumb Cake, Whisper White, Chocolate Chip
ink:  Chocolate Chip
supplies:  Big Shot, Hexagon Hive Thinlit, Hexagon Punch, Dimensionals, Glue Dots, 
Angled Tag Topper Punch, Small Oval Punch, Natural 7/16" Trim Ribbon, Basic Pearls,
Tea Lace Paper Doilies, 1 1/4" Burlap Ribbon

I enjoyed my day with my boys yesterday.
Brayden was here for the afternoon/evening too.
They had fun playing together.
Nathan & Brayden had supper with us.
I then spent the rest of the evening stamping- working on wedding invites 
& graduation invites.

My boys will all be back today.
(Brayden will come after school.)
Deke & I have the night off tonight- no working on the farm.
So we will be going to go get groceries.
We are donating a roaster of Cheesy Potatoes for a cancer benefit of a 
co-workers daughter & a classmate of Manda's, 
that is this weekend, 
so I need to go get all of the food/supplies.

Gotta run.....
 I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!
Happy Stamping!

Monday, March 3, 2014

A Lovely Congratulations card!

Good morning!
Here is the lovely congratulations card that I shared with you yesterday as a peek!
And here is the whole card.
It is very pretty in person- the picture doesn't do it justice.
 This would make a nice card for any occasion- wedding, retirement, anniversary, 
new job, graduation, New Years, etc. 
And isn't the bow just adorable!
It is made with the Envelope Punch Board.
I did a photo tutorial on how to make this bow.

'Happy Congratulations' & 'Create a Cupcake'
cs:  Basic Black, Smoky Slate, Whisper White
ink:  Jet Black Stazon
supplies:  Big Shot, Decorative Dots Embossing Folder (SAB), Large Rhinestone, Envelope Punch Board, 3/4" Circle Punch, dimensionals, glue dots

I had a great time yesterday at my stamp class with everyone!
It was awesome that so many braved the cold temps to join me!
Thankfully we didn't get as much snow as we were predicted to get & the roads weren't too bad.

Oh my, it is another new week with LOTS going on at our home!
I'm sure yours is a busy one too!

I hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

It's a peek!

Here is a quick peek at a card everyone joining me at my March workshops will be making.
For those of you that stamp with me know that I LOVE Black & White cards.
Well- I added some Smoky Slate to this one & I love it!

And check out the cool bow made with the Envelope Punch Board.
I have the step by step directions on how to make it- Click HERE!

Today I am headed to my monthly workshop in North Liberty
& Deb is the hostess.
I can't wait to see everyone & share!
I hope they all like this card & all of the other ones they'll be making too.
I'm off to finish cutting card stock & pack up.
Be sure to stop by back by tomorrow to see this whole card & the supply list.

I hope you have a SUPER Sunday!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Good morning!
Here is a quick post.
I made cards last night with left over supplies I had cut.
I love this new Spiral Flower Die.
I used the reverse side of the Pretty Prints Paper Stack that I used HERE! 

And here are some others that I created too.
 I'm in my Stampin' Studio creating today for my workshop tomorrow.
Praying I have good mojo!

We got a light dusting of snow last night again.
More snow is on it's way this afternoon/tonight.
I hope that most of it misses us.

Have a SENSATIONAL Saturday!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, February 28, 2014

One year ago today...... 2/28/13

This was what we were doing 1 year ago today!
Our little guy (Brody) had his 2nd surgery.
WOW- amazing how blessed we are.....
 And look at him today- 1 year later!
Quite the little cheezzzer!  
He is such a normal, smart & happy little guy!
A true blessing in our life!
He is precious!!!

A beautliful birthday card!

Good morning!
Here is a beautiful birthday card that my dear friend & demonstrator 

Judy Hopping made for me.
She cased it from demonstrator Becky Roberts.
Isn't it stunning!
 I love the fold!
It is similar to one that I'll be doing at my March workshops using the 
Scalloped Tag Topper Punch.
I will update this post with a supply list sometime soon.

Yesterday was crazy!
Deke was gone all day to meetings.
Brody had a fever- so I went to Manda's house in the morning to get them.
I took him to the dr in the afternoon &
Manda met me there after she got off of work.
He has strep throat & got an antibiotic. 
Brayden is sick too & his mom took him to the dr.
He has a bad cough & is on steroids for 4 days.
Thus he didn't get to go to his Elementary program.
Which is a bummer that we all were sad about.
So Papa went to another meeting in Fairfield last night 
& I spent the evening doing bookwork.
I hope both boys are better soon.
And I'm praying that Drake doesn't get sick.

Today will be another busy one & the boys will be with us.
Our taxes are done, so we are headed to pick them up at our CPA's, 
as farmers taxes are to be filed by 3/1 (tomorrow).
We will run some errands too while we are in town this morning.
Maybe we can talk Papa into eating lunch at McDonalds??
Then Nathan & Brayden will be here tonight.

I have LOTS of stamping to do in the next 2 hope I get to stamp tonight.
I hope I have good mojo & all of my ideas just click.
Woo Hoo- I have a workshop on Sunday & Deb is my hostess.
I am looking forward to sharing lots of fun new things with all of the gals.

I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday!
Happy Stamping!