
Friday, May 24, 2013

'Wildflower Meadow' Sneak Peek!!

Here is another card that was created by someone at Stampin Up!
It was on our hospitality room display board.
Don't you just love it!
This will be one of the sets we'll be using at my New Catalog Open Houses next week too!

 'Wildflower Meadow' & 'Oh, Hello'
cs:  Warmed Brown Sugar, Whisper White
ink:  Whisper White, Island Indigo
supplies:  Big Shot, Wildflower Meadow embossing folder, White Embossing Powder, Heat Tool, Embossing Buddy, Basic Pearls, dimensionals, Paper Snips

I can't believe it is Friday already.
This week just flew by.
I'm going to enjoy my day with my boys!
Nathan races tonight, but I don't think I'm going to be able to go.
I have so much that I need to get done before my Open Houses next weekend.
I hope you have a FANTASTIC Friday!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

It is my 12th Anniversary as a demonstartor & I'm celebrating!!!! Won't you join me!

12 year anniversary-001
(Image above made with MDS & CASED from demonstrator Jodi Reinert!)

The current Catalog & Spring Catalog are soon ending!  Be sure you order everything you want on the retiring list before it is gone! When you place an order with me between May 24-28 by emailing me or ordering it through my website & entering Hostess Code:  W9PA7T4K you will be entered to a drawing to win hostess benefits!

Click to View Stampin' Up Retiring Stamps List:

Click to View Stampin' Up! Retiring Accessories:

Look for this at the bottom of the ordering screen.
Screen Shot 2013-03-23 at 3.52.13 PM
 Everyone that orders directly with me or on line using the above hostess code will get a chance to earn hostess benefits!
To order on line click here  or you can email me your order!

EVERYONE who places an order of ANY amount during my Anniversary Party will receive a hand-stamped card from me that features new products from the upcoming new catalog!

Thank you for allowing me to share my love of stamping with each of you 
over the past 12 years!
I look forward to continuing to share with each of you!
Happy Stamping!

Here is another sneak peek made with the new set- 'Kind & Cozy'!

Kind & cosy f
Good morning!
Here is a cute scrapbook page that was created by someone at Stampin' Up!
It too was on our display board in the hospitality room.
It is very cute!
It shows the gingham circle & heart stamps that are also in this set.
Plus check out the new designer paper & coordinating Washi tape.

Busy day yesterday!
Enjoyed spending the morning visiting my mom & Aunt Virginia.
Then we raced last night & got home late.
It was COLD!
Nathan was fast & looked really good!
He is leading the points, so has to start in the 10th position & has to carefully work his way to the front through the pack.
He finished 4th.
 The twins spend the night with us, as it seemed foolish not to have them stay when they have to be back out here early this morning.

I have several cards that I've created using new products that I could pre-order from the NEW 2013-2014 Catalog.
I hope to get photos of them taken tonight & them downloaded to post- so be sure to stop back by tomorrow for more sneak peeks!

I hope you have an awesome day!
Happy Stamping!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Here is another 'Kind & Cozy' sneak peek!

Kind & cosy fiji 3 
 Good morning!
Here is another New Catalog sneak peek!
This card was made by someone at Stampin' Up!
It was on the display board in our hospitality room.
This tea cup is one of the other stamps in the new set 'Kind & Cozy'.
Do you notice the new Gingham Garden Washi Tape too!
It is pretty cool!
And isn't the line around the outside edge cute that they created with the Simply Scored Tool?

The 'Kind & Cozy' stamp set is one that I'll be using at my upcoming 
New Catalog Open Houses!

'Kind & Cozy'
cs:  Daffodil Delight, Whisper White
Sunshine & Sprinkles Designer Paper (Spring Catalog- pg. 28)
ink:  Melon Mambo & Pear Pizzazz (returning In Color)
supplies:  Simply Scored Tool, Gingham Garden Washi Tape, dimensionals, paper snips, 

It was a late night selling hogs & moving pigs last night.
Deke will be gone all day for meetings today, so the twins & I are going to visit my mom 
& run some errands.
Tonight we race at the Southern' Iowa Speedway in Oskaloosa.
I hope that Nathan has good luck! 
The twins get here early this morning, as Manda has a meeting before school.

Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Doing the Faux Tile technique with- 'The Open Sea' stamp set!

Here is a cool card that I did at my May workshops.
Guy cards are sometimes hard to create.
But isn't this an awesome one!
 I did the faux tile technique on it.
 'The Open Sea' & 'Made of You'
cs:  Midnight Muse, Sahara Sand, Marina Mist, Very Vanilla
ink:  Midnight Muse & Marina Mist
supplies:  Paper Snips, Linen Thread, Scoring Tool, Sponge, 1/8" Circle Punch, dimensionals

WOW- what a busy day yesterday!
The storm on Sunday night did some damage on the farm- but we are lucky compared to many, so really not complaining.
We had TONS of sticks & some tree limbs down- but got them all picked up & the yard is mowed & looks so nice; a power pole on the back of the farm fell- so the generator thankfully kept us with power to the hogs until our electrical company could get here; the generator had lightening damage to it, so wouldn't shut off- we are still waiting on the repair company to come fix it, so is shut off now manually; our Direct TV got damaged with the wind & lightening- but the repair guy was here to fix it.

So the twins were outside alot & enjoyed playing in the mud puddles.
Oh my GOSH!
IT was too cute!  
I wish I would have gotten a picture of them with the mud all over them.
Thankfully they had old shoes on & I washed their clothes right away.

Then last night I had to help Deke get some pigs sorted & moved, so it was a late night outside.
It will be another late night again tonight on the farm, as we sell hogs.

I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!
Happy Stamping!

Monday, May 20, 2013

More 'Summer Silhouettes'

Good morning!
Here is a card using the set 'Summer Silhouettes' that everyone joining me at my May workshops will be making!

Yesterday Deb & Janiece had an AWESOME stampin' party!!!
It was just a very nice day & I enjoyed it so much.
I think everyone did!
Great company & lots of stamping- what could be better?
 Isn't this card pretty with the white craft ink pad used on the flowers?

WOW- we had a big storm last night.
Terrible wind!
All of our toys are gone from our front porch.
I tried to get some of them picked up & found in the dark/rain before I went to bed.
Off now to go hunting again & hoping they are stuck in the ditch across the street.
Hoping we still have doors on our machine shed & no damage done to anything on the farm too.
I LOVE the rain, thunder & lightening- but just don't want it to do any damage in the process.
Good thing it wasn't an August storm- as we wouldn't have any corn still standing in the fields with all of the wind we had last night.

I am just going to chill with the twins today.
I have been going 100 mph with stamp classes the past 2 days & getting ready for them.
I haven't had much sleep.
This energizer bunny is winding down & pretty slow today.
Tonight I'll be a farmer- as Deke is getting ready for new baby piggies to come next week & we have lots to do.
He has meetings every day this week (on Thursday he has 3 meetings), so I'll help him as much as I can in the evenings too.

I hope you have a MARVELOUS Monday!
Happy Stamping!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A vellum Manhattan Rose card

Good morning!
Here is a quick post........

NOTE:  This Manhattan Rose Embossing Folder is RETIRING on 05/31!

I had a great team meeting yesterday with my group of downline 
(ladies that signed up to be a demonstrator under me).
I always enjoy the time we spend together sharing!
Two of the ladies came from Ohio & Nebraska to attend! 
Today I'm off to Janiece & Deb's workshops!
I still have some card stock I need to get cut & pack everything up.
They have lots of friends joining us & I can't wait to see everyone & share!
I'm EXCITED & know they are going to love the projects.
 This is one of the beautiful cards we'll be making at all of my May workshops!
Yep- we are making this one today!

I hope you have a SUPER Sunday!!
Happy Stamping!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

We have a BUSY weekend with lots to celebrate!

Here is an awesome card that my friend Frenchie shared with us at our share time in Fiji.
She did the waxed paper resist on the background.
Isn't it awesome!
I love this 'By the Tide' stamp set!
I learned to do this technique years ago & haven't even thought about it.
I'll have to see about creating something doing it sometime soon.

 Here is a picture of my little man (Brayden) at his pre-school graduation last night.
We are so proud of him!
I can't believe he is so old & ready to start kindergarten in August.
It was a fun celebration!
I just love him to pieces.
His smile is priceless!
I have a big downline meeting today with my group & adoptees.
I can't wait to see everyone & share!
Several of them are even coming from other states to join us!
BUT- I still have LOTS of stamping to do before our meeting in a few hours!
I won't be getting any sleep between now & then.
We just got home from the races.
(Nathan did good- got 2nd in heat & 3rd in main.)
So- I'm off to make a pot of coffee & head to my stamp studio & start creating.

I hope you have a SUPER Saturday!
Happy Stamping!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Here is a Sneak Peek at a new stamp!

This is a Sneak Peek of a card that I took a picture of on a display board & created by someone working at Stampin' Up!
What do you think of this set?
It is called 'Wildflower Meadow'. 
Did you notice it & do you like the yellow Gingham strip along the top?
That is new Gingham Garden Designer Washi Tape.
Aren't you excited to see the New Catalog?
You are going to LOVE IT!

We have a VERY BUSY weekend is ahead of us.
By the time Sunday night rolls around I'm going to crash!
Tonight Brayden graduates from Pre-School.
I can't believe he is this old!!
What a special occasion!
AND then we're off to the races in Columbus Junction to cheer on Nathan.
Then Saturday I have an all day downline meeting with my gals & lots of adoptee's.
Plus I am on the committee for church to help with funeral dinners, so I have to make a pan of bars & deliver to the church for a funeral.
And then on Sunday I have a BIG workshop in Hiawatha!
And am excited to see the ladies there & share!
We also have a few graduation parties we got invited too. 
(But don't know if we'll make it to any of them or not.)
SO- I have LOTS of planning, stamping & cutting to do in the next 26 hours!
I probably won't get to go to bed tonight.
I am praying that I have good mojo & everything just clicks!
(Drake, Brody & Brayden)
Here is a picture of our 3 boys taken earlier this week. 
They sure love each other!
They have been enjoying the beautiful weather & LOVE playing outside.

I hope you have a Fabulous Friday!
Happy Stamping!

Thursday, May 16, 2013


WooHOO!!  This is great news!!  

With the release of the retired list, some of you may be wondering which Christmas stamps will still be available. 

  • Evergreen Stamp Set (available in French)
  • Greetings of the Season Stamp Set (available in French)
  • Jewish Celebrations Stamp Set
  • More Merry Messages Stamp Set (available in French)
  • Ornament Keepsakes Stamp Set
  • Snowflake Soiree Stamp Set (available in French and Spanish)
These sets will still be available during the 2013-2014 catalog year. They will not be featured in the catalog, but will be available in the Online Store and at workshops or stamp classes.

'Best of Flowers'- I LOVE this daisy!

Good morning!
Here is a match box card that we did at my April workshops!
I love this daisy stamp!
I LOVE how it coordinates with the 1 1/4" Scallop Circle punch.
 Adding the Crystal Effects to the center of the flowers was a big hit!
I will update this post with a supply list sometime for you!

We got home late last night from the races.
They boys were really good all night!
We had several family members & friends that came to join us for the evening!
It was a beautiful night out!!
I am glad that Manda & twins, Brayden, my mom, sister Julie, niece Mattie, 3 of Mattie's friends, Jenny, Mark, Uncle Jerry & Aunt Kathy, Beth & all of their 4 boys, the Christner family & several Pekin area friends of Nathan's were all there.
He started last in his heat & got 3rd place, making the invert for the main.
He started 12th in the main (as he is the current point leader so has to start in the last invert position) & finished 2nd over all.
I wish we could have had a caution- as Nathan looked great!

We have a super BUSY day here today!
Brayden spent the day & night with us yesterday so that he could go to the races with us.
So the boys had fun playing outside & enjoying the beautiful weather.
So I will have to get him up & ready for pre-school this morning& take him home to his dads.
Then I'm picking up the twins at their house (since I'm already in town).
And we'll head home to eat breakfast & head back out for a play date!
We are meeting my friend MaryLee & her grand-daughter Jayde to go on a walk & play in the park this morning.

Then tonight I'm on my stamp run to my Iowa City gals!
And looking forward to seeing many of them.

I hope you have a WONDERFUL DAY!
Happy Stamping!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


image description 
Look at all of the 'My Paper Pumpkin' kits that were being shipped today from our Stampin' Up! Distribution Center.
I can't wait until mine gets here.

 Everyone Needs a Creative Escape.  'My Paper Pumpkin' is an escape that comes in the mail so that you can get creative on YOUR schedule.

Join My Paper Pumpkin by the 10th of the month  for yours to ship.
*A surprise every month that includes all supplies EXCEPT adhesive to make something fun
*No Obligation
*Flexibility – try it just one month, skip a month or two, order more than 1 subscription to enjoy with friends

SUBSCRIBE TODAY – Don’t forget to SELECT me SUSIE WOOD as your demonstrator.
It's so easy to get started. Simply sign up for the program by visiting and click Get it. Every month a new, surprise project kit arrives at your doorstep. Just think of the anticipation of creating a fun project to pin, showoff, and share with your friends and family-every month!

Each month Stampin' Up! will send you a unique, surprise kit with a project-cards, journals, décor, and more! (We've even color-coordinated, measured, and cut everything for you!)
Each kit includes stamps, ink, paper, and accessories-everything but adhesive.
Each kit gives you a 30-minute creativity escape.
They will ship your Paper Pumpkin on or around the 15th of the month.
You need to sign up for a kit by the 10th of the month to get that month's kit. If you sign up on the 11th of the month, your first kit will come the next month. (Let's say you sign up on May 10th, we'll send your kit around May 15th. If you sign up on May 11th, they'll send your first kit around June 15th.)
A Paper Pumpkin membership is $19.95 per month (and shipping is included!)
There's no commitment, you can cancel your monthly Paper Pumpkin at anytime. You can also skip a month if you want.

Here's How You Order-
Sign up for your monthly Paper Pumpkin visiting and click Get it.
 The Welcome Kit is the very first Paper Pumpkin you will receive in your first month of membership. The Welcome Kit includes a free gift-a clear acrylic block!
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.
Happy Stamping!

A beautiful 'Swallowtail' butterfly!

Here is another beautiful card we did at STYC.
I love this 'Swallowtail' butterfly.

  • I stamped it onto the Creped Filter Paper on pg. 6 in the Spring Catalog using Black Stazon ink. 
  •  I turned the butterfly over & using an aqua painter I colored it using the ink I picked up off of the lid- which I created by squishing a closed ink pad. 
  •  Using my Paper Snips I cut it out.
'Swallowtail' & 'Loving Thoughts'
cs:  Sahara Sand, Basic Black, Whisper White
Crepe Filter Paper
ink:  Black Stazon, Pumpkin Pie, Daffodil Delight, Tangerine Tango, Elegant Eggplant, Bashful Blue
supplies:  Big Shot, Perfect Polka Dots embossing folder, Paper Snips, Aqua Painter, dimensionals
Last night was a late night of selling hogs.
This heat is hard on the hogs.
I pray that they all made it safely!
We've had the worst spring.
It is either cold, wet or hot & not much in between.
We are off to the races tonight to cheer on Nathan & the 52 Wood Racing Team.
I think that several of our family members are going to be joining us there as we have $2.00 off coupons for tonight's races.
If you want to join us & would like a coupon- let me know!
I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
Happy Stamping!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A bow tie- for dad!

Good morning!
Here is a card that I made quite some time ago & have never shared yet.
This makes a cute Father's Day card doesn't it?

'Best Dad Ever' - RETIRING
'Dapper Dad'- Spring Catalog- not being carried over
'Beyond Plaid'- Spring Catalog- not being carried over
cs:  Marina Mist, Basic Gray & Whisper White
ink:  Basic Gray
supplies:  Big Shot, Houndstooth embossing folder, Scissor Snips, dimensionals

Hoping to get the flowers planted here & at Manda's today that we bought last weekend, before they all die.
Then sell 2 loads of hogs tonight- so it will be a late night on the farm.

I hope you have a TERRIFIC TUESDAY!
Happy Stamping!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Oh- Happy Day!

Oh- Happy Day!
Here is one of the cards we did at my April workshops.
 'Make A Wish' & 'Ciao, Baby'
cs:  River Rock, Not Quite Navy, Rose Red, Whisper White
ink:  River Rock, Not Quite Navy, Rose Red
supplies:  Big Shot, Perfect Polka Dots embossing folder, Perfect Pennants Bigz L die, Petite Curly Punch, 2 1/2" Circle Punch, Sponge Daubers, dimensionals

What do you think of the background that we made using the sponge daubers?
Looks cute huh!

We enjoyed a busy day yesterday with our families.
We went to Deke's sister Darci & Maria's for lunch with his mom, dad, Doug & Chris.
Then home to chore & off again to Manda & Steve's home to grill out with their family, Nathan, Brayden, plus Mark, Becky & Matt Seeley.

Today will be a fun way to start out my week with all 3 of my boys here!
Deke has meetings all day & one tonight too- so bummed he won't be around all day.
I am hoping the weather is nice & we can be outside to play.
 I have a bunch of flowers I need to get planted, so hoping I can get some of them done.

I hope you have a MAGNIFICENT Monday!!
Happy Stamping!